

Solved Question Paper Kerala PSC HSST (Part - I)

Solved Paper Higher Secondary School Teacher Political Science (14 Dec 2015)

1. The founder of Sidhasraman at Alathur in Palghat District was

(a) Brahmananda Sivayogi
(b) Vaikunta Swami
(c) Chattampi Swamikal
(d) Vagbhadananda

2. Name the leader who came into limelight during the Electricity Agitation of 1936

(a) A.K. Gopalan
(b) K. Kelappan
(c) E. Ikkanda Warrier
(d) C. Kesavan

3. Who is known as 'Haryana Hurricane'?

(a) Dileep Vengsarkar
(b) Kapil Dev
(c) Anil Kumble
(d) javagal Sreenath

4. Rakhi Gadi, the latest Indus Valley site discovered is located in

(a) Haryana
(b) Rajasthan
(c) Uttar Pradesh
(d) Punjab

5. Which/who of the following is the custodian of the Constitution of India?

(a) Prime Minister
(b) President
(c) Rajya Sabha
(d) Supreme Court

6. International Day for the elimination of violence against women is observed on

(a) December 5
(b) November 20
(c) November 25
(d) October 31

7. Fundamental Duties were incorporated in the Indian Constitution in

(a) 1978
(b) 1976
(c) 1973
(d) 1975

8. Jawahar Rozgar Yojana was introduced in

(a) Fifth Five Year Plan
(b) Sixth Fiver Year Plan
(c) Seventh Five Year Plan
(d) Eighth Five Year Plan

9. 'Romancing with Life' was written by

(a) Dev Anand
(b) Sashi Kapoor
(c) Dileep Kumar
(d) Dharmendra

10. PURA (Providing Urban Amenities to Rural Areas) project was inaugurated in which state?

(a) Odissa
(b) Tripura
(c) Kerala
(d) Manipur

11. Which country will be the SAARC cultural capital for the year 2015-2016?

(a) India
(b) Pakistan
(c) Afghanistan
(d) Sri Lanka

12. The Nair Service Society (NSS) was founded on

(a) 1914
(b) 1910
(c) 1941
(d) 1915

13. The first travelogue in Malayalam, Varthamanapustakam, (Book of News) was written by

(a) Arnos Patiri
(b) Paulinose Patiri
(c) Father Hanxleden
(d) Paremmakkal Thoma Kathanar

14. Mahakavi Kumaran Asan's famous poem, Veenapoovu, was first published in

(a) Malayala Manorama
(b) Mitavadi
(c) Kesari
(d) Swadeshabhimani

15. Name the welfare programme implemented for providing electrification of houses of SC/ST is

(a) NRDP
(b) IAY
(d) Kudeer Jyothi

16. Which scheme envisions a bank account for each person in the country?

(a) Prime Minister's Empowerment Scheme
(b) Prime Minister's Bal Vardhan Scheme
(c) None of these
(d) Prime Minister's Jan Dhan Scheme

17. During which Five year Plan emergency ws clamped in India and new election took place?

(a) Fourth
(b) Third
(c) Fifth
(d) Sixth

18. The Phrase 'Equality Before Law' used in Article 14 of Indian Constitution has been borrowed from

(a) Britain
(b) USA
(c) Germany
(d) Sixth

19. The ideal of 'Welfare State' in the Indian Constitution is enshrined in

(a) Preamble
(b) Fundamental Rights
(c) Fundamental Duties
(d) Directive Principles of State Policy

20. The responsibility of Jawahar Rozgar Yojana is vested with

(a) District Collector
(b) Panchayat Raj Institutions
(c) State Government
(d) Central Government

21. The most important task in teaching is

(a) Giving assignments and evaluating it
(b) Providing experiences for the learner towards holistic development
(c) Maintaining discipline in children
(d) Giving sufficient drill

22. Remedial Teaching is a process of instruction given after

(a) Summative Evaluation
(b) Standardized Testing
(c) Formative Evaluation
(d) Diagnostic Testing

23. The state within a person or animal that drive behavior towards some common goal is

(a) Motivation
(b) Self Actualization
(c) Adjustment
(d) Attitude

24. Which among the following is a learner related factor?

(a) Difficulty of the task
(b) length of the task
(c) Maturation
(d) Distribution of Practice

25. Which of the following can be taken as a reflection of meaningful learning?

(a) High score in the examination
(b) High degree of retention
(c) Ability to recal
(d) Ability to transfer knowledge in different situations

26. The sampling technique generally used when the population is finite

(a) Purposive sampling
(b) Quota sampling
(c) Systematic sampling
(d) Simple random sampling

27. The purpose of review of related literature is to

(a) Use the literature to identify present knowledge and what is known
(b) Help in defining the problem and operational definition
(c) Identify strength and weakness of previous studies
(d) All of the above

28. A variable that can change due to the action of another variable is known as

(a) Dependent variable
(b) Extraneous variable
(c) Independent variable
(d) Confounding variable

29. The method of collecting data through observation and experimentation, formulation and testing of hypothesis is called

(a) Empirical method
(b) Observation method
(c) Scientific method
(d) Case study

30. First step in research is

(a) Identification of problem
(b) Survey of related literature
(c) Finding methodology
(d) Finding the solutions

31. Which of the following is rejected by Hobbes as the founder of the state?

(a) The view that might is right
(b) Individualism
(c) Concept of authorization
(d) Rational self-preservation as the ground for social contract

32. Who said 'Where there is no law there is no freedom'?

(a) T.H. Green
(b) Hobbes
(c) Locke
(d) Rousseau

33. Rousseau won the prize in an essay contest sponsored by the Academy of Dijon in 1749 on the subject

(a) 'Has the progress of the sciences and the Arts contributed to corrupt or purify morals?'
(b) 'Has the progress of the sciences contributed to corrupt morals?'
(c) 'Has the development of the sciences contributed to corrupt or purify morals?'
(d) None of the above

34. Which one of the following theories held that the State is a product and manifestation of the irreconcilability of class antagonisms?

(a) Divine origin Theory
(b) Anarchist Theory
(c) Marxist-Leninist Theory
(d) Guild-Socialist Theory

35. 'Each to count for one and no one for more than one' was the principle propounded by

(a) Lord Bryce
(b) John S. Mill
(c) Grotius
(d) Jeremy Bentham

36. Who is the author of 'on Liberty'?

(a) Jeremy Bentham
(b) J.S. Mill
(c) Hobhouse
(d) Lindsay

37. Hegel believes that

(a) The real is the rational and the rational is real
(b) Social relations are rooted in the history
(c) It is human consciousness that determines the social life of man
(d) State protects the economic interests of the most powerful

38. The concept of 'Veil of ignorance' is related to

(a) John Rawls
(b) Karl Popper
(c) Rober Nozick
(d) Althusser

39. Which great political leader said that the process of capitalist expansion would always be unequal or uneven between countries, industries and firms?

(a) Joseph Stalin
(b) V.I. Lenin
(c) Antonio Gramsci
(d) Mao Tse Tung

40. According to Antonio Gramsci. Civil society is primarily geared in the generation of

(a) Dissent
(b) Coercion
(c) Exploitation
(d) Consent

41. In India all revenue and capital grants are distributed by

(a) National Development Council
(b) Finance Commission
(c) Planning Commission
(d) Cabinet Committee of the Plan

42. The Constitution provides for a federation, in which each level of government has a parliamentary form of democracy based on the

(a) American Model
(b) Westminster Model
(c) German Model
(d) Canadian Model

43. Vigilance department works under which ministry?

(a) Human Resources and Development Ministry
(b) Defense Ministry
(c) Home Ministry
(d) Prime Ministers Secretariat

44. Which one of the following statements relating to the power of Judicial Review in India is correct?

(a) Supreme Court can be directly approached for judicial review of legislative decisions
(b) Supreme Court can take up matters for judicial review on its own
(c) Supreme Court can ask lower courts to submit a case for its judicial review
(d) Supreme Court can review its own judgments in the light of new developments

45. Decisions on the defections about disqualification of members of the Lok Sabha are made by the

(a) Speaker
(b) Secretary to the Parliament
(c) President in accordance with the opinion of the Election Commission
(d) Prime Minister

46. 'Right to Education' has been placed in the Indian Constitution under _____

(a) 81st Amendment Act
(b) 86th Amendment Act
(c) 85th Amendment Act
(d) 65th Amendment Act

47. The main factor responsible for growth of Communalism in India is:

(a) presence of many religion
(b) past record of Communal Conflicts
(c) discriminatory nature of the Constitution
(d) group based Political Mobilization

48. Amendment in provisions relating to scheduled castes and scheduled tribes can be made by

(a) By two-thirds majority of the States
(b) Simple Majority of the Parliament
(c) The States alone
(d) Two-thrids majority of the Parliament

49. The Muslim league decided to boycott Constituent Assembly because

(a) They were maltreated by the non-Muslim members
(b) They were not given adequate representation
(c) They wanted a separate Constituent Assembly
(d) They wanted a Muslim to be elected as the Chairman of the Constituent Assembly

50. The framers of the Constitution borrowed the idea of Fundamental Rights from the Constitution of

(a) Britain
(b) USSR
(c) Canada
(d) USA

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