

Kerala PSC - Pradhan Mantri Nai Manzil Yojana

Kerala PSC -  Pradhan Mantri Nai Manzil Yojana
The Pradhan Mantri Nai Manzil Scheme was launched by the central government in August 2015. It is a skill development programme with a time period of three months and is supposed to benefit girls from minority groups.The seven sectors where training will be provided may be enumerated as below:

  • Saffron processing
  • Tourism and hospitality
  • Food processing
  • Electronics
  • Embroidery
  • Plumbing
  • Computers and IT (both software and hardware)

Nature of training

Training is expected to be provided in keeping with the concerned region. This means that skills, which are relevant to a particular state, will be taught in the programme. The basic aims of the programme is to satisfy requirement of local industries for trained labour. Along with training, the beneficiaries will receive INR 4500 per head as well.


Apart from the girls and women, the programme also looks to help minority youth who have dropped out of their schools or received their education in madrasas and other similar community educational institutions. The age limit for people is 17-35 years.

Financial assistance from World Bank

The programme has also received some much-needed financial boost with an agreement between the union government and World Bank, whereby the global financial body has agreed to provide credit worth $50 million to be used for carrying out the programme.

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More : Government Welfare Schemes

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