

Kerala PSC - Model Questions English - 18

Kerala PSC - Model Questions English - 18

196. I want ...... visit a person (the, in, to)?

197. I’m afraid that the soup is ……. Cold (more, most, rather) ?

198. My mother went ...... hospital to visit my grandfather yesterday (the, in, to)?

199. I am familiar _ this locality (with, in, at)?

200. The police ......... arrested him (have, has, had) ?

201. We____each other for five years (have known, known, know) ?

202. He …… in the middle of the speech (put up, went down, broke out)?

203. Gold is ........ Useful metal (a, an, the) ?

204. The feminine gender of ‘nephew' is ?

205. I ...... a good breakfast today (have, has, had) ?

English Main Page | Santhosh Nair

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