

Kerala PSC - Gouri Parvathi Bayi (1815-1829)

Kerala PSC - Gouri Parvathi Bayi (1815-1829)

  • The Rani introduced several reforms to establish social freedom and civic equality.

  • Agriculture and trade registered considerable progress during this period. Cultivation of waste lands and hill tops was given top priority.

  • The restrictions on trade were removed by the abolition of several export and import duties.

  • The practice of employment of labour for government work without payment of wages known as 'Uzhiyam' was stopped by Rani.

  • All persons, irrespective of caste and status, were permitted by a royal proclamation to have tiled roofs for their houses.

  • Christian missions were given all facilities to carry on their evangelising activities. Rent free land and free timber were supplied for the erection of churches.

  • Under Rani's patronage LMS (London Mission Society) at Nagercoil established in 1816.

  • She also gave help to CMS (Church Mission Society) on its activities at Alleppey and Kottayam.

  • The Nairs, Ezhavas and other Sudra communities were permitted to wear ornaments of gold and silver without making the customary payment to the state.

  • Regency of Rani Gouri Parvati Bai was an epoch of liberal administration.

  • Col. Munroe who relinquished the post of Diwan in 1814 continued to guide the administration of the state till he laid down office as Resident in 1818.

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