

Kerala PSC - Social Welfare Schemes Kudumbashree

Kerala PSC - Social Welfare Schemes Kudumbashree
  • Kudumbashree is the poverty eradication and women empowerment programme implemented by the State Poverty Eradication Mission (SPEM) of the Government of Kerala.
  • The name Kudumbashree in Malayalam language means ‘prosperity of the family’. 
  • Kudumbashree was set up in 1997 following the recommendations of a three member Task Force appointed by the State government.
  • Kudumbashree has a three-tier structure for its women community network
    • Neighbourhood Groups (NHGs) at the lowest level
    • Area Development Societies (ADS) at the middle level
    • Community Development Societies (CDS) at the local government level
  • The Kudumbashree network by 15th March 2017 had 2,77,175 NHGs affiliated to 19,854 ADSs and 1073 CDSs with a total membership of 43,06,976 women.
  • Kudumbashree membership is open to all adult women, limited to one membership per family.
  • In 2011, the Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD), Government of India recognised Kudumbashree as the State Rural Livelihoods Mission (SRLM) under the National Rural Livelihoods Mission (NRLM).
The NHG general body includes all its members. NHG elects a five members Executive Committee consisting of the following positions.
  • President
  • Secretary
  • Volunteer (Income generation)
  • Volunteer (Health and Education)
  • Volunteer (Infrastructure)
Members of the Governing Body
  • Minister for Local Self-Government, Government of Kerala – Chairperson
  • Principal Secretary, Department of Local Self-Government – Vice Chairperson
  • Representatives of mayors, municipal chairpersons, District Panchayat presidents, Block Panchayat presidents, Gram Panchayat presidents, District Collectors.
  • Secretaries to Government of Kerala, Finance, Local Self-Government, Social Welfare, SC and ST Welfare, Health and Family Welfare, General Education
  • Directors of Panchayat and Urban Affairs
  • Member Secretary, State Planning Board
  • Chief General Manager, National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD)
  • Chairperson, State Women’s Commission
  • Two nominees of the State government
Important Questions on Kudumbasree

1. Kudumbasree was launched in ? - 17 May 1998
2. Kudumbasree Programme was inaugurated by ? - A.B. Vajpayee
3. Kudumbasree was launched in ? - Kottakkunnu (Malappuram)
4. Local Administration Minister of Kerala ? - Paloli Mohammed Kutty
5. Kudumbasree means ? - Prosperity of the family
6. Kudumbasree was started functioning on ? - 1 April 1999
7. Kudumbasree project was formally registered as ?- SPEM (State Poverty Eradication Mission)
8. What is the main aim of Kudumbasree ? - Eradication of poverty and Women Empowerment
9. The three critical components of Kudumbasree is ?- Micro credit, Empowerment and Entrepreneurship
10. The Chairman of the governing body of Kudumbashree ? - Local Self Government Minister (State)
11. The largest women movement in Asia ? - Kudumbasree
12. Present Local Self Government Minister of Kerala ?- K.T. Jaleel
13. Kudumbasree has got a ____ tier system ?- Three
14. Which is the grassroots of Kudumbasree Project (The lowest tier) ?- Neighborhood Groups (NHGs)
15. Which is the Ward level organ of Kudumbasree Project (Second tier) ? - Area Development Society (ADS)
16. Which is the Gram Panchayath level organ of Kudumbasree Project (Top tier)? - Community Development Society (CDS)
17. The brand ambassador of Kudumbasree's organic farming project ?- Manju Warrier
18. The minimum number of members required to form a Kudumbasree is?- 10
19. Kudumbasree Radio programme was inaugurated by ?- M.K. Muneer
20. Full form of "KAASS"?- Kudumbasree Accounts and Audit Service Society
21. Name of the special school started by Kudumbasree for the mentally challenged persons ? - Buds
22. The apex level agency of "Kudumbasree" project is?- Community Development Society (CDS)
23. The common brand name of Kudumbasree restaurants are ?- Cafe Kudumbasree
24. The Micro housing Loan Project of Kudumbasree is ?- Bhavanashree
25. The Kudumbasree project to distribute food in vehicles ?- Food on Wheels
26. The aim of Santhwanam Project is ?- Identification and monitoring of life style diseases in the community
27. "Thozhilsree Programme" was related to?- Kudumbasree
28. Kudumbasree was started Balapanchayath Project with the support of __ ?- UNICEF
29. Taxi Service of Kudumbasree ?- Kudumbasree Travels
30. Name of the Kudumbasree project aimed at developing a comprehensive production and marketing network of an agriculture product ?- Samagra project
31. Name of the district where Marari Mashroom Project is started in ?- Alappuzha
32. Name of the Samagra project aims to supply puja kadali required for prayer rituals to the Guruvayoor Temple ?- Naivedyam
33. Name of the Samagra Project started in Pathanamthitta ?- Madhuram Honey Project
34. Name of the Samagra project started in Eranakulam ?- Thirumadhuram
35. Name of the Samagra project started in Kasaragod ?- Saphalam Cashew Project
36. Name of the Kudumbasree project to improve the nutritional status of Children between 6 months and 3 years ?- Amrutham
37. The name of Kudumbasree's destitute identification and rehabilitation project ?- Ashraya
38. Which is the 24 hours working Gender Help Desk of Kudumbasree ?- Samhitha
39. Name of the entrepreneur groups formed under Kudumbasree for the waste management ?- Thelima
40. Children's Neighbourhood Groups ?- BalaSabha

More : Government Welfare Schemes

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