

Clerk/Secretary Model Questions - Co-Operative Service Examination Board - 1

Clerk/Secretary Model Questions - Co-Operative Service Examination Board

1. Objects of reserve fund and dsiposal is mentioned in the Rule -
[a] 58 [b] 61
[c] 63 [d] 66A

2. In which famous case, was it held that it is not the duty of an Auditor to take stock-
[a] Dumbbell's Banking Co. Ltd [b] Kingston's Cotton Mill
[c] Irish Wollen Co. Vs Tyson [d] Carblree Vs Crablree

3. A reserve not disclosed in books of accounts or Balance sheet-
[a] Capital Reserve [b] Specific Reserve
[c] Sinking Fund [d] Internal Reserve

4. Which is not a Differed Revenue Expenditure
[a] Preliminary Expense [b] Cost of issue of Debentures
[c] Heavy advertisement expenditure [d] None of these

5. Who is considered to be the father of the Coop movement in India -
[a] Robert owen [b] Edward law
[c] Maclagan [d] Federic Nicholson

6. Which committee is appointed by the Madras Govt. to study the Foreign Co-operative movement
[a] Robert owen [b] Edward law
[c] Maclagan [d] Federic Nicholson

7. In which year Madras Govt. appoint Sir Federic Nicholson to study the foreign Co-operative movement
[a] 1886 [b] 1885
[c] 1892 [d] 1895

8. Sir Federic Nicholson submitted his report in the year -
[a] 1893 [b] 1892
[c] 1894 [d] 1895

9. Unlike the European countries Co-operative movement was introduced in India as a ____ movement -
[a] Volunteer movement [b] Own movement
[c] Government movement [d] Fascist movement

10. The pioneer province in India in the field of cooperation -
[a] Calcutta Province [b] Bombay Province
[c] Banglore Province [d] Madras Province

11. Famine commission report came in the year
[a] 1895 [b] 1899
[c] 1901 [d] 1905

12. Whose famous word is "Find Raiffeisen" -
[a] Federic Nicholson [b] AD Gorwala
[c] Royal Commission on Agriculture [d] Edward law

13. Who was the chairman of the committee that was appointed by the govt of India to study the question of starting Co-operative credit societies in India-
[a] Federic Nicholson [b] Edward Maclagan
[c] Royal Commission on Agriculture [d] Edward law Committee

14. Who recommended for the first Co-operative legislation -
[a] Edward Law Committee [b] Edward Maclagan Committee
[c] David lbbetson Committee [d] Famine Commission

15. The first Co-operative Legislation in India
[a] Co-operative societies Act 1904 [b] Co-operative Credit societies 1904
[c] Industrial Providence Societies Act 1852 [d] Co-operative societies Act 1912

16. ____ societies were started in India at the beginning of Coop movement-
[a] Consumer Co-operatives [b] Co-operative Credit societies
[c] Urban Credit societies [d] Non-Credit Co-operatives

17. Who compiled the act of 1904 (Act X of 1904)
[a] Federic Nicholson [b] Robert owen
[c] Sir Edward law [d] Sir Devzil lbbetson

18. The first Co-operative societies registered under the act of 1904 -
[a] Anyonya sahakari mandala [b] Baroda Co-operative Bank
[c] Triplicane Urban Co-operative Society [d] Kaduvayur Aikya nanya sangam

19. TUCS was registered in the year -
[a] 1905 [b] 1904
[c] 1935 [d] 1901

20. By the act of 1904 society were classified into _____ & ______
[a] Credit and Non Credit [b] Rural and Urban
[c] Agriculture and Non Agriculture [d] long term and short term

21. Reserves are always shows _____ balance
[a] Debit [b] Credit
[c] Either Debit or Credit [d] None of these

22. End Product of Audit
[a] Profit and Loss Account [b] Trading Account
[c] Balance Sheet [d] Trail Balance

23. If a person owes some amount to business, his Account shows ____ balance
[a] Credit [b] Debit
[c] Either debitBalance Sheet [d] No balance

24. The concept of bankers cheque was introduced by _____ in the year _____
[a] State Bank of India 1976 [b] Punjab National Bank 1971
[c] State Bank of Travancore 1975 [d] RBI 1949

25. The document which can be used only for making local payment is
[a] Draft [b] Cheque
[c] Bill of Exchange [d] Bankers Cheque

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