

Kerala PSC General Knowledge Question and Answers - 64

Kerala PSC General Knowledge Question and Answers - 64

1. Which local wind has the nickname of 'Doctor'?

2. The main source of lead, zinc ores in India, the Zawar mines are located in which state?

3. In which year was the' Twenty point programme introduced for the first time?

4. Which scheme's component is 'Sneha Shivir'?

5. Name the bank set up in 1969 by the Government of India with the main objective of rehabilitating repatraints from Burma and Sri Lanka?

6. In which state of USA is the famous 'Death Valley' situated?

7. The famous Galilean moons are the satellites of which planet?

8. Which Indian state is best known for monazite sands, source of thorium?

9. The Ukai reservoir is built across the river _____?

10. Which country was the first to be granted a loan by the World Bank?

11. Which part of the human body absorbs oxygen directly from the air?

12. Where in India is Flame of Freedom (Swatantra Tyothi) lit?

13. Who presented the first budget in Indian history?

14. Which was the first Indian State to institute a Disaster Management Authority?

15. Which mineral has the relative hardness of 10 in the Mobs Scale?

16. Which award is instituted by Union Home Ministry for honouring persons who show courage in saving the life & property of members of another community or caste?

17. Name the rebellion occurred in Chhotanagpur during the period of 1820-1837?

18. What was the way of Satyagraha by the first individual Satyagraha Vinoba Bhave?

19. In which year Jahangir issued the Charter to East India Company for establishing the trade establishments in India?

20. Which important incident occurred in Indian history on 9th August 1925?

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