

Kerala PSC Junior Clerk Co-operative Societies Model Questions - 03

Kerala PSC - Junior Clerk, Co-operative Societies - Model Question Paper 03

01. Voting principle of a co-operative Society is - One man one vote
02. Liability of a sole trader is - Unlimited
03. Partnership is an association of - Persons
04. The basic idea behind co-operation is - Each for all and all for each
05. The co-operative principle were developed in - Four stages
06. The Rochdale pioneers society was setup in the year - 1844
07. On registering a society it should be affiliated to a co-operative union within - 6 months
08. NPA means - Non performing assets
09. A co-operative society cannot admit members within ___ days before the election agenda general body? - 60 days
10. ____ started the first co-operative credit societies in the world - Germany
11. Minimum number of members required to start an industrial co-operative society is - 10
12. The Consumer fed was organised in the year - 1965
13. ____ the owned funds of state co-operative banks - Share Capital
14. Medium term loans are given for a period of - 5 years
15. The first Non agricultural credit society was established at - Baroda
16. The NAC was formed in the year - 1976
17. The NDDB was established in the year - 1965
18. The 1st co-operative housing society was established in the year - 1905
19. Co-operative society creates statutory reserve fund from - Net Profit
20. Barca popularie was formed by - Luzzati
21. Under capitalism the entire means of production and distribution of goods and services are rested in the hand of - The private individual
22. Socialism is a system where in all means of production and distribution is owned and controlled by - The state
23. The Communist manifesto was published in - 1848
24. The Apex body responsible for co-operative training and education in India is - NCUI
25. Vaikunta Mehta National Institute for co-operative management was constituted in - 1967
26. In 1953 ____ constituted a central committee for co-operative training - RBI
27. SCU is a statutory body established by the Govt. of Kerala as per ____ of the Kerala co-operative societies Act 1969 - Sec 89
28. The management of SCV has a general body and a - Managing Committee
29. The 1st co-operative society came into being in - 1760
30. Co-operative principles by ICA in 1995 was the ____ in which the principles were developed - Final stage
31. ICA Means - International Co-operative Alliance
32. A scheme of co-operative colony was organised by - Robert Owen
33. In socialist economy the surplus goes to - The Government
34. Co-operative favours the ____ in the economic affairs - Decentralisation
35. The idea of co-operative common wealth was first given by - DR Gadgil
36. The writers co-operative was started in the year - 1945
37. The headquarters of CAMPCO is at - Mangalore
38. The rainbow emblem was suggested by - E Bernardo
39. In India was celebrate co-operative week from ___ - 14 - 20th November
40. The head office of ILO is located at - Switzerland
41. FAO was formed in the year - 1943
42. In England, the ____ was known as a period of a hungry forties - 1840
43. ____ was a mayor in Germany - Schulze
44. Which country is known as the dairy farm of Europe - Denmark
45. The process of separation of cream from milk was introduced by - Nelson
46. UNICOOP Japan was established in - 1961
47. The Russian Revolution was in the year - 1917
48. Dr. Woolenburg did for ____ what Raifessian did for germany - Italy
49. The Soviet leaders adopt the scheme of collective forming known as - Kolkoz
50. The RRB Act was passed in the year - 1976

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