

Kerala PSC - Model Questions English - 31

Kerala PSC - Model Questions English - 31
Suply a verb in agreement with its subject :

381. Thrice-told Tales _____ an interesting book (are/is)

382. Hundred paisa ____ equal to one rupee (is/are)

383. The peon_____to office (cycle/cycles)

384. The state of affairs _______ sure to cause anxiety (are/is)

385. A course of lecture _____ arranged. (were/was)

386. Eggs and bacon ____ is favourite breakfast.(are/is)

387. Harish together with his friends ____ present (was/were)

388. The news ____ false (are/is)

389. Everyone of the hotels ____ full (are/is)

390. My friends as well as I myself _____ invited.(was/were)

391. The wages of sin _____ death. (are/is)

392. A number of patriots _____ been imprisoned (has/have)

393. None of his poems _____ now read. (is/are)

394. Much pains _____ being taken.(is/are)

395.Five dozen _____ only fifty rupees. (costs/cost)

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