

Kerala PSC - Important and Expected General Science Questions - 20

Kerala PSC - Important and Expected General Science Questions - 20

1. The phenomenon of splitting of light into its constituents:

2. The unit of inductance:

3. 2001: A space Odyssey was written by:

4. ____ measures quantity of heat:

5. Who invented bifocal lens?

6. Who proved that sun light has seven colours?

7. Who discovered principle of floating bodies?

8. One mile equals ____ km

9. Number of cells in a car battery"

10. Woolens keep us warm in winter because they

11. Electrolyte in a dry cell :

12. When a moving bus stops suddenly, the passengers are pushed forward because of the:

13. If we go to the Himalayas, we feel breathless because:

14. Fish can survive inside a frozen lake because water near the bottom ____

15. SONAR is base on the principle of :

16. The correct form of Einsteins mass-energy equation is ___

17. Which type of glass is used for making glass reinforced plastic?

18. The atomic experiment 'Trinity' was conducted by:

19. The best conductor of heat among liquids:

20. The prolonging of sound due to reflection is called:

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