

Kerala PSC Junior Clerk/Secretary Co-operative Societies Model Questions - 07

Kerala PSC - Junior Clerk/Secretary, Co-operative Societies - Model Question Paper 07

1. Magazine of Cochin co-operative institute? - Co-opertive Prabodhini
2. Co-operative Tribunal is a person who has been holding the post of ___ in the state - District Judge
3. SARFAESI Act related to? - Loan recovery
4. 'Co-operation in changing Italy' was written by? - Horace Plunket
5. Magazine of Institute of bank Management? - Vinimaya
6. First Co-operative sugar factory? - UP(Ethicopaika)
7. Committee on Model Co-operative Act 1990 Headed by? - Brahma Prakash Chaudhary
8. FAMILISTIRE was started by ___ in France - Andre Goden
9. The report submitted by AIRCSC contains ___ volumes - 3
10. ___ is known as provision person - H.C.Soune
11. No. of writers at the time of Registration of Spcs? - 12
12. Ownership divident is related to ___ societies - Joint Farming
13. RBI declared as CB as a scheduled Bank in? - 1966
14. Distress purchase system is related to ___ societies - Coir
15. ___ committee studied about Co-operative farming - Nijalingappa committee
16. SPCS 'Akshara Pruaskaram' gives in every ___ months - 20
17. Land Mortgage Banks recommended by - Thowsend committee 1927
18. RBI started as ___ bank - Share holders Bank
19. Co-operative society is defined in section - 2(f)
20. Supermarkets run by Coimbatore central co-op store? - Chinlamani
21. Right of member to get information section? - 19B
22. Which Co-operator form Labour Co-op societies in Italy? - Massiny
23. First woman president of DCB in Kerala - P.Sathi Devi, Kozhikode DCB
24. Bills drawn and accepted payable after 3 months is called - Usance Bill
25. Section 9 of NI Act deals with - Holder in due cause
26. The scrutiny with regard to the area of operation is done as per section - 7(1)c
27. Affix of stamps are necessary in the case of - Promissory Note
28. The Auditor of a multistate co-operative society is appointed by - Central Registrar
29. First urban bank in India - Kanjeevaram in TamilNadu
30. ___ voucher is the duplicate of original voucher - Collateral
31. Teaming and lading is also known as - Laping
32. Sight bill is another name for - Demand Bill
33. ___ was known as poor man's doctor - William King
34. First RRB in India - Pradhama bank, Moradabad, UP
35. SBI is the first Indian bank to open branches in - China
36. Indian Urban banks indebted to ___ committee - Maclagan
37. The Rainbow emblem was suggested by - Bernado
38. ___ is the scheduled primary bank of India - SHAMARAO
39. The brand name of baby oil produced by Rubco - Lush oil
40. Who compiled the Act of 1904 - Sir Devzil Ibbetson
41. Back of land was the main motto of co-op movement in - France
42. First chairman of IRMA - Varghese Kurian
43. National Dsiry Research Institute is located at? - Karnal
44. ___ is called green business - Coir
45. ROAP of ICA situated in - New Delhi
46. People Bank is also known as - Banca Pepalarie
47. ___ is the credit card issued by PCARDB - Swarosgar
48. 'I too had a dream' is an auto biographical book of famous co-operator - Varghese Kurian
49. Deposits of co-opertive banks are insured under the provisions of - Deposit Insurance Act 1968
50. HOMCO stands for - The Kerala State Homoeopathi Co-operative Pharmacy Ltd

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