

Kerala PSC History Question and Answers - 54

Kerala PSC History Question and Answers - 54

1. Who became the President of Indian National Congress for the longest continuous period before independence?

2. Who was the chairman of the Famine Commission appointed by Lord Elgin in 1897?

3. The first Muslim to became the President of Indian National Congress

4. The committee appointed in 1927 to examine financial and economic relationships existing between British India and the Indian States

5. The first Swadeshi dacoity or robbery was organised in the year 1906 in - Rangapur

6. The official name of the Simon Commission

7. Who was the chairman of the Indian Police Commission appointed by Lord Curzon in 1902?

8. The Government of India passed the Prevention of Seditious Meeting Act in

9. Who wrote the book 'Wake up India'?

10. The Viceroy who created North West Frontier Province from Punjab in 1901

11. Name the Governor General who adopted a policy of the Europeanisation of Bureaucracy and an exclusion of Indians from higher posts

12. During the reign of which Maratha ruler the position of the Peshwas became hereditary?

13. Who was the chairman of the Royal Commission which was appointed in 1895 to examine the military and civil expenditures incurred and the apportionment of those charges between the Government of Great Britain and Government of India?

14. The Universities of Calcutta, Bombay and Madras were established on the basis of the recommendation of

15. Holding of the ICS examination simultaneously in England and India was done for the first time in

16. Michael Madhusoodan Dutt was a famous writer in the language of

17. The British Resident who was killed at Lucknow during the Revolt of 1857?

18. The first 'Shakha' of Rashtriya Swayam Sevak Sangh (RSS) was started in

19. The song of the Swadeshi Movement was

20. From which University in USA, BR Ambedkar received his PhD?

21. The Governor General who founded the Royal Asiatic Society

22. Where BR Ambedkar established the Depressed Classes Institute?

23. Who drafted the Pakistan resolution in 1940 which was moved by Fazlul Haq?

24. Who was the Viceroy when Non-Coopeartion movement was repealed?

25. Which book was translated into English by Annie Besant?

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