

Kerala PSC - Important and Expected General Science Questions - 35

Kerala PSC - Important and Expected General Science Questions - 35

  1. The force of attraction between like modules are called

  2. The largest endocrine gland in human body?

  3. The part of brain on which pain killers affect

  4. The part of brain on which Alcohol affects

  5. Largest class of animals living on land and air?

  6. The only plant hormone that exists in gaseous state?

  7. Uncertainty principle was put forward by?

  8. The mmost abundant metal in earth's crust

  9. International Earth day is observed on

  10. Poisonous substance formed in potato when it turns green colour?

  11. The Isotope used for the treatment of skin cancer

  12. Documents established for documenting rare and endangered species of animals and plants

  13. Glass ued to make thermos flask?

  14. /The energy possessed by a body by virtue of its position

  15. The term green revolution was first used by

  16. Gaseous exchange in plants take place through

  17. Father of Genetics?

  18. A fuse wire is characterized by

  19. The charge carriers in N-type Semi conductor?

  20. Electro magnetic waves having highest wavelength?

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