

Kerala PSC Junior Clerk/Secretary, Co-operative Societies Model Questions - 10

Kerala PSC - Junior Clerk/Secretary, Co-operative Societies - Model Question Paper 10

1. The day today administration and management of a society is vested with the ___ - Secretary
2. Rule 6 of KCS Act defines - Model Byelaw
3. An apex society has received money from govt. for purchase of shares in other societies. the fund constituted by this is called ___ - Principal State Partnership Fund
4. The member of the co-operative tribunal has to be the status of ___ - District Judge
5. The B class shares of DCB are subscribed by ___ - Government
6. Any decision for application for membership shall be taken within ___ from the date of receipt of application - 90 days
7. Agricultural credit stabilization fund is ___ % of net profit - 7%
8. An agreement enforceable by law is a ___ - Contract
9. Kerala state co-operative union was established in ___ - 1970
10. Quorum for meeting of a circle co-opertive union meeting is ___ - 8
11. Qualification for recruitment and staff pattern defined in the rule ___ and ___ respectively - 186,188
12. 'The Banker to every Indian' is the slogan of - SBI
13. ___ wrote principles of scientific Mgt. - E.W.Taylor
14. MBO was introduced by ___ - Peter F.Ducker
15. Co-operative principles were developed in ___ - Four stages
16. ConsumerFed was organised in the year ___ - 1965
17. Socialism is a system where in all means of production and distribution is owned and controlled by - The state
18. Vaikund Mehta National Institute for co-operative management was established in ___ - 1967
19. SCU is established by govt. of Kerala as per - sec.89
20. The idea of co-operative common wealth first given by - Dr.Gadgil
21. Writers co-opertative was organised in the year - 1945
22. The first Land Mortgage Bank was set up in - Punjab
23. NCDC was established in - 1963
24. The Biggest Department store is - Delhi supermarket
25. The Swarozger credit scheme was introduced by - NABARD
26. Del Credere Commission is normally calculated on - Total sale
27. SEBI attain statutory power on - March 1988
28. The zero base budgeting was first used in - USA
29. Debenture is written ___ ofdebt of a co-operative - Acknowledgement
30. Closing stock appearing in Trial Balance will be taken to - Balance sheet
31. Fixed installment method of depreciation is also called a ___ method - Straight line method
32. Evidence of dishonour of a bill of exchange is got though - Acceptance
33. The process of misappropriation cash received from the debtor without entering in his account is known as - Teaming and Lading
34. Normally a member can withdraw his shares after a period of - 3 years
35. The reimpursement of any loss caused by responsible person as decided by the registrar is called - surcharge
36. Classification of societies according to type one specified in which rule of the KCS rules - Rule 15
37. First state co-operative act was passed by - Bombay state
38. What is caled 'Brightest Spot' in co-op. movement - Co-operative Urban Bank
39. In Urban co-operative Bank the Majority of members are - Non-agriculturists
40. Who is the chairman of the District Rural Development agency - District Collector
41. A document used to deposit cash cheque, draft and bills to the credit of a customer's account is called - Pay in Slip
42. Co-operative arbitration court on receipt of reference of dispute shall pass - Award
43. The year in which Kerala State Federation of SC/ST Development co-operative Ltd was formed - 1981
44. Section ___ deals with vote of members - 20
45. TOURFED was formed in the year - 2011
46. Equality of Debits and Credits - Accounting Equation
47. Ist co-operative consumer society is ___ - Triplican Urban co-operative
48. The taste of India is the brand of - Amul
49. The power to supercede the managing committee of a co-operative society is vested with - Arbitrator
50. VAMNICOM is situated at - Pune

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