

Kerala PSC Junior Clerk/Secretary Co-operative Societies Model Questions - 14

Kerala PSC - Junior Clerk/Secretary, Co-operative Societies - Model Question Paper 14

1. The change of name of a society is according to sec ___ of KCS Act - Sec.10
2. Sec.___ of KCS Act deals with first charge of societies - Sec.35
3. 'Doctrine of circumstances' was formulated  by - Robert Owen
4. ___ is the father of Co-operative movement in America - Hudson Kelly
5. The Co-operative farming society is ___ type society - Agicultural non credit
6. State Co-operative union is constituted as per section ___of KCS Act - Sec 89
7. A petty cash book is kept under ___ system - Imprest system 
8. ___ has no general body - CCU
9. Birth place of urban Co-operative  societies - Germany
10. The disposal of net profit in a society is done by sec ___ of KCS Act - Sec 5
11. The headquarter of Kerala Co-operative Tribunal - Trivandrum 
12. The audit in a Co-operative society is done by sec ___ of KCS Act - Sec 64
13. The final authority in a Co-opertive society - Sec 27
14. The winding up of a Co-operative society means - Liquidation
15. An arbitrator is appointed by sec 70 of KCS Act by - Registrar
16. Sec62 of KCS Act defines - Gratuity
17. The application for registration of Co-operative society shall be in form no - 2
18. Dual membership is allowed in the case of ___ society - Industrial 
19. Violet colour in the Co-operative Flag denotes - Felt need
20. An audit conducted in between two annual audit is - Interim Audit
21. The largest public sector Bank in India is - SBI
22. ICICI was established in the year - 1955
23. ___ is considered as the backbone of auditing - Vouching
24. Foreign Exchange management Act was passed in the year - 2000
25. Treasury bills are issued by - Govt.
26. The drawee of a cheque is always a - Bank
27. One who signs the cheque is known as - Drawer
28. Statutory protection can be claimed for___ cheque - Crossed 
29. The RBI Act was passed in the year - 1934
30. The lead bank scheme was recommended by ___ committee - Nariman
31. Industrial Banks are also called ___ banks - Investment 
32. RBI issues  currency notes in ___ backing - Gold
33. Number of banks nationalised in 1969 was - 14 banks
34. A multilated cheque will be - Torn
35. Exim Bank of India was set up in the year - 1982
36. A bill of exchange cannot be - Crossed
37. Commercial banks in India are organised as - Joint Stock Companies
38. The banker who is the debtor to the judgement debtor is called - Garnishee
39. Closing of a fixed deposit before due date is called - Premature closing
40. The district in Kerala having largest number of bank branches is - Ernakulam
41. Govt. and semi govt securities are called ___ securities - Guilt edged
42. ___ a/c is a running a/c - Current a/c
43. The capacity to produce cash on demand means - Liquidity
44. Banker's lien is a general lien as per sec 171 of - Indian Contract Act
45. Notice of dishonour is not required in the case of - Cheque
46. Cochin Co-operative societies Act was formed in - 1913
47. Loan a/c is a ___ a/c - Personal a/c
48. Expand IFSC - Indian Financial System Code
49. Rural banks started by Wollenberg in Italy was - Casse Ruralie
50. Triveni note books are manufactured by - KCCF

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  1. The disposal of net profit in a society is done by sec ___ of KCS Act - Sec 56

  2. The application for registration of Co-operative society shall be in form no - 1
