

Kerala PSC - Important and Expected General Science Questions - 47

  1. Compounds containing only Carbon and Hydrogen

  2. The branch of Chemistry dedicated to the exclusive study of carbon compounds

  3. The International Agency to frame rules for nomenclature of Hydrocarbons

  4. The phenomenon by which same element exists in different physical forms

  5. Hardest allotrope of Carbon

  6. Which was the first organic compound prepared in laboratory

  7. In 1828, who prepared  urea from ammonium cyanate

  8. Which was the first organic compound synthesised from the elementsx

  9. An atom or group of atoms in  a molecule, whcih is responsible for the chemical properties of the molecules is known as

  10. What is the name of the compounds having the same molecular formula but different structures

  11. Which compounds are represented by the functional group of OH

  12. Which compounds are represented by the functional group of COOH 

  13. A series of compounds in which adjascent members differ by a -CH2 unit is known as

  14. The hydrocarbons which contain only single bonds are known as

  15. Which is the first member of the saturaed hydrocarbon group

  16. Which group of hydrocarbons are also known as alkanes or paraffins

  17. Which type of hydrocarbons have atleast one double or triple bond

  18. Which group of hydrocarbons are also known as alkenes and alkynes

  19. Which group of hydrocarbons have ring structure with alternate double bonds

  20. Which type of hydrocarbon is benzene

  21. More General Science Questions

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