

Famous Personalities : Dr. Rajendra Prasad

Birth and Education: Dr. Rajendra Prasad was born on 3rd December 1883 in Bihar. He received his education mostly in Calcutta, and passed all the universities examinations with credit. He always stood first.

Career after Education: Rajendra Prasad had a brilliant college carrier. After college he started his practice at the Calcutta High Court. When the Patna High Court was established he transferred his practice to Patna. He proved to be a very successful lawyer. Had he stayed in the profession he could have made much money and could have become a High Court Judge. But, then, India would have been deprived of a great leader.

Nature and Work: Dr. Rajendra Prasad was a patriot to the core of his heart. Riches and luxury had no charm for him. He had his eyes and ears open. He saw the pitiable condition of his country. He decided to give up his practice and serve his mother-land. In the meantime an opportunity came. The English Indigo planters of Champaran were oppressing the tenants very much. Mahatma Gandhi visited Bihar and advised the tenants to resist oppression non-violently. Dr. Rajendra Prasad also accompanied Mahatma Gandhi. He took an active part in the movement. He gave up practice in 1921 and dedicated his life wholly to the cause of the country.

No sacrifice or suffering was too great for Rajendra Prasad. He had courted imprisonment smilingly. A great part of his life had been spent in jail. He was elected President of the Indian National Congress several times. He became a member of the Cabinet of the Central Government when India was on the way to independence. He was also the President of the Constituent Assembly. After the country became free in 1947, he was elected President of the Indian Union. He remained in this honorable post for two complete terms. He retired in 1962. He died on February 28, 1963.

Conclusion: Dr. Rajendra Prasad was the symbol if simplicity. He mixed freely with everybody and was extremely frank and honest. He commanded everybody’s love and respect and his personality inspired friendship and trust. He was a great scholar, and wrote a number of scholarly books.

May his soul rest in peace!

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