

Famous Personalities : Indira Gandhi

Mrs. Indira Gandhi was a great national leader. She was the third Prime Minister of free India.

Indira Gandhi was the only child of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru.

Birth: . Mrs. Gandhi was born in Allahabad on 19th November 1917. She was educated first at Visva Bharati. She had her education at Oxford and also in Switzerland. During her childhood she saw how the Indians had been fighting for the country’s freedom.

As a student & social worker: As a student, Mrs. Indira Gandhi took a keen interest in the student movement and joined the Congress Party at the young age of 21. She worked hard during the freedom movement. People were impressed by her intelligence, devotion and hard work. She grew up under the influence of her great father. She was married to Mr. Feroze Gandhi and had two sons, Rajiv and Sanjay. She worked with Mahatma Gandhi and showed great courage and capacity for hard work. She was associated with a number of social organizations.

In politics: Mrs. Indira Gandhi was elected to the high post of the Congress President in 1959. She did a lot to make the organization strong and popular. She became Union Minster when Mr. Lal Bahadur Shastri was the Prime Minister. After the death of Mr. Shastri, she became the first woman Prime Minister of India.

Her policy: Mrs. Indira Gandhi was highly respected all over the world. She was neither Pro-America nor Pro-Russia. She always kept the country’s interest in mind. She believed in socialism and secularism. She followed the policy of peace and friendship with all. She loved the poor and tried hard to improve their lot. She wanted to make the world free from hatred and violence. She always thought of world brother-hood and prosperity of mankind in general.

Her achievements: Mrs. Gandhi was a great leader. She ran the administration well. She brought about remarkable progress in the field of agriculture. She solved the food problem which was the cause of great sorrow in the country. During the 1965 war with Pakistan, she showed her imagination and determination. She tried to solve the Naga problems with firmness and sympathy she believed in self-reliance. But she was not against foreign aid. She liked to work with the progressive forces in the country. It was because of her dynamic policies that the Congress Party secured a great majority in the mid-term poll to the Lok Sabha in 1971.

Conclusion: Mrs. Indira Gandhi declared emergency in the country and people suffered a lot during this period. So the Congress Party lost the election in March 1977. But she returned to power in 1980. Mrs. Indira Gandhi continued to be widely popular. She drew large crowds wherever she went. She worked for the welfare of the whole world. But she was particular about Afro-Asian Unity. India lost this great leader on 31st October 1984 when she was shot dead by her own security.

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