- Which type of plains are formed by the horizontally bedded rocks
- The Russian Platform, the Great Plains of USA are examples of
- Which plains are formed by the deposition of materials brought by the various agents of transportation
- The alluvial plains, flood plains and deltaic plains are examples for
- The Ganges delta is an example for which type of plain
- The outwash plains are formed by the activity of
- Which agents work behind the formation of coastal plains
- The work of which agent results in the formation of loess plateau
- What is the name of the plains carved by the agents of erosion
- Which type of plains are also known in the name of 'Peneplains'
- When the visibility of a celestial body is prevented or reduced by the passage of a second body, the occurrence is called
- When one celestial body appears to move across the face of another celestial body, hiding a small part of it, it is known as ___
- The last transit of the planet Mercury occurred on ____
- The last transit of the planet Venus was on ____
- What is the name of the darkest portion of the shadow cast during an eclipse?
- The partial shadow surrounding the umbra is known as ___
- What causes tides on the Earth?
- What is the interval between two high tides?
- When the Earth, Moon and the Sun are in the same straight line, the resulting high tides are known as ____
- In which month is the highest spring tides are produced?
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