

Kerala PSC Junior Clerk/Secretary, Co-operative Societies Model Questions - 15

Kerala PSC - Junior Clerk/Secretary, Co-operative Societies - Model Question Paper 15

1. The father and the founder of co-operative movement in the world - Robert Owen
2. The mill owned by Robert Owen - New Lamark Mill
3. Robert Owen was born in - 1771
4. Robert Owen is known as - Utopian Socialist
5. Co-operative colonies established by Robert Owen in U.S.A - New Harmony
6. Birth place of Robert Owen - Newton in England
7. The theory formulated by Robert Owen - Doctrine of circumstances
8. Founder of Equitable Labour Exchanges - Robert Owen
9. No competition, No money and No profit is a statement made by - Robert Owen
10. The character of a human being is based on the circumstances which he lives --- this theory is called - Doctrine of circumstances
11. Father of co-operative stores movement in the world - Rochdale Equitable Pioneers Society 
12. Rochdale Pioneers was founded in - 1844
13. Rochdale Pioneers was started with a share capital of - 28 pounds
14. Rochdale Equitable pioneers society was registered under - Friendly Societies Act 1793
15. There were --- workers in Rochdale pioneers when it was started - 28
16. The first President of Rochdale Pioneers Society - Charles Thowrath
17. Rochdale Pioneer Society is also known as - Toad lane store
18. Weavers of Dreams is a book about Rochdale Pioneers, which is written by - David J Thomson
19. The first secretary of Rochdale Pioneers - James Daly 
20. The history of Rochdale Pioneers is the work of - George Jacob Holyoke
21. Which is the first successful co-operative society in the world - Rochdale Equittable Pioneers Society 
22. A century of co-operation in Rochdale' was authorised by - Henry Brown
23. 'Owen dis not invent co-operation but he was the inspiration for the co-operative movement'/ It is a statement made by - CR Fay
24. 'A new view of society' is the book written by - Robert Owen
25. --- is known as apostle of co-operation - Raiffeisen
26. Birth place of Co-operative movement - England
27. Rochdale Pioneers is a --- society - Consumer
28. Birth place of consumer movement - England
29. Father of agricultural credit co-operative movement - Raiffeisen
30. Raiffeisen was born in - 1818
31. Birth place of co-operative credit societies - Germany
32. FW Raiffeisen was born in - Ham in Germany
33. Motto of Co-operaion was advocated by - Raiffeisen
34. Pioneer of rural credit movement is - Raiffeisen 
35. Raiffeisen union was started in - Anhansen
36. Raiffeisen started his first society in - 1862
37. Raiffeisen union was started in - 1877
38. Who organised poor people committee - Raiffeisen
39. Name of first society started by Raiffeisen - Village society
40. Raiffeisen organised credit societies with -- liability - Unlimited
41. The pleasure all for each and each for all was coined by - Raiffeisen
42. Cradle of co-operative credit movement - Germany
43. --- formed cattle purchase association in Germany in the year - Raiffeisen 1849
44. Heddersdorf credit union was started by - Raiffeisen 
45. Dividend distribution was nor prevailed in --- type societies - Raiffeisen
46. Raiffeisen societies provided credit to in - Rural areas
47. Birth place of co-operative urban banks - Germany
48. The founder of urban co-operative banks - Herman Schulze
49. Herman Schulze was born in - 1808
50. Schulze type banks are also known as - Popular banks 

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