

Kerala PSC Junior Clerk/Secretary Co-operative Societies Model Questions -16

  Kerala PSC - Junior Clerk/Secretary, Co-operative Societies - Model Question Paper 16

1. Schulze established his first society in - 1850
2. Principles of co-operative banking was written by - Schulze
3. The bank known as peoples banks in Germany was found by - Schulze
4. Big Farmers society in Germany were organised by - Dr. Hars
5. Schulze advised for --- liability societies in --- areas - Limited, Urban 
6. Founder of shoe makers co-operatives in Germany - Schulze
7. The organizer of Prussian Central bank in Germany - Dr. Hars
8. Father of co-operative education - William King
9. The first co-operative journal in the world --- which is published by - 'Cooperator, William King
10. 'Co-operator' was published in - 1828
11. Who is known as Christian Socialist - William King
12. Custodian of coin war register - Cashier
13. Father of Irish co-operative movement - Horace Planket
14. The society established by Horace Planket in 1894 - Irish Agricultural Organisation Society (IAOS)
15. 'Better farming better business  better living are the ideals of - Horace Planket
16. Ireland co-operative movement started in - 1889
17. Skimmeries are in - Ireland
18. ICAS stands for - Irish Co-operative Agency Society 
19. Ireland  in the new century and Noblesse oblige are the famous books of - Horace Planket
20. The pioneer of co-operative movement in Italy - Luigi Luzzatti
21. Luzzatti started his first co-op bank at --- in ---  - Milan , 1866
22. --- was the rural banks started in Italy by - Casse Ruralie, Wollenburg
23. Co-operative movement in Italy under the leadership of Wollenburg stated in - 1883
24. Luzzate called his banks as - Banca Popularie
25. National federation of co-operative societies in Italy - ENTE
26. Birth place of burial societies - Italy
27. The first friendly society in Italy was formed by --- in --- - Lugi Luzzatti, 1864
28. The pioneer of labour co-operative societies - Italy
29. Mazzini is related with --- societies - Labour co-operative societies
30. Labour contract societies are originated in - Italy
31. Birth place of land mortgage banks - Germany 
32. Father of French co-operative movement - Charles Fourier
33. 'Phalanstr' related to --- in France - Charles Fourier
34. Famelistire colony started by --- in France - Andee Godwin 
35. HLM is --- co-operatives in France - Howsing
36. Trade union organisation at National level in Israel is established in --- - Histadrust, 1920
37. --- is known as the 'roof' organisation in Israel - Havrat Ovdin 
38. --- is the collective settlement in Israel - Kibbutz
39. Earliest type of co-operative agricultural settlement in Israel - Moshov
40. Small holders co-operative settlement in Israel - Moshov Ordum
41. Marketing societies in Israel - Tnuva
42. Louis blanc belongs to - France
43. The Swedish Co-operative Union and wholesale society is known as - K.F.
44. Headquarters of K.F. (Kooperativa forbundet) -Stockholm
45. K.F. was founded in - 1899
46. Active Price Policy was started in - Sweden
47. Co-operative movement in USA initiated by - Hudson Kelly
48. Birth place of Co-operative Marketing Societies - USA
49. First Co-operatives established in USA - BEES
50. Co-operative Unions in USA - Granges 

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