

Kerala PSC - Important and Expected General Science Questions - 57

1. The working principle of a rocket is :

2. The chemical name of Alumina:

3. Which is the most ionic compound?

4. The document established for documenting rare and endangered species of animals and plants:

5. Scientific name of common cold:

6. World Haemophilia day:

7. Who invented carbon dating?

8. The electric charge was first observed in a substance called:

9. Halley's comet is seen in every ___ years:

10. Which planet is also known as 'green planet'

11. H1N1 virus is associated with:

12. The weakest force out of the four fundamental forces:

13. The vitamin which is destroyed by heat:

14. The minimum distance of reflecting surface from the source of sound for echo:

15. Calcium oxide is commonly known as:

16. When a body is in free fall under gravity, its apparent weight will be ___

17. Hormone which also called as ADH

18. International mole day:

19. Pyranometre is used to measure___

20. The age of rocks from the moon has been estimated using the technique

21. The Earth is closet to the sun on:

22. Which planet takes more time to complete one rotation than revolution?

23. The coldest and slowest revolving planet

24. 'Unfinished Dream' is a book written by:

25. Atoms of different elements having same mass number and different atomic number

26. The new methods used in chemistry which aim to reduce pollution are called

27. Which instrument is used for measuring the heat of chemical reactions?

28. What is the unit of density?

29. Rays used in distant photography

30. Deficiency of melanin causes

31. Genes are located in the

32. Vitamins obtained from fish oil is:

33. What is known as 'rock oil'?

34. The element with atomic number 100

35. Acid rain is due to the presence of:

36. The catalyst used for the manufacture of ammonia

37. The ISRO Chairman at the time of launching of 'Mangalyaan"

38. The substance which covers dentine

39. Animals living at the bottom of water are called

40. Sound waves used in SONAR is

41. The emf of a dry cell is ___

42. Light travels fastest in which medium?

43. The flowerless or seedless plants are called:

44. Organisms that used sunlight to prepare their food are known as:

45. The acid which makes scratches on glass wares

46. Rubber used to make hoses is

47. The gas used in advertising sign boards

48. The value of 'g' is maximum on which planet?

49. The property of a substance to absorb moisture from the air on exposure is called:

50. Who formulated wave theory of light?

51. The unit of electric charge is

52. The common name for pottassium carbonate is:

53. Which wax is obtained from the petroleum?

54. Semi conductor used for making integrated circuits

55. Which allotrope of carbon has lubricant property?

56. Lunar caustic is:

57. Unit of measuring the depth of the sea

58. Why an athlete runs some distance before taking a long jump?

59. Milk secreted by mother in first 475 days after giving birth is known as

60. 'Annapurna' is a variety of

61. Espundia is a disease caused by:

62. Which is teh first artificial plastic?

63. A person shed tears while cutting onion due to the presence of

64. Which substance is known as 'Blue Gold'?

65. Nitric acid was invented by:

66. As temperature increases what happened to the viscosity of a liquid?

67. Name the layer of earth's atmosphere which absorb UV rays

68. Who categorised elements according to atomic number?

69. The existence of isotopes was discovered by:

70. Sodium carbonate is commonly called:

71. The study of pollen grains is called:

72. The particles with half integral spin values are called:

73. A force that acts outwards of a body revolving in a circle

74. Who discovered Magnesium?

75. Eye diseases that occurs due to the deficiency of vitamin A:

76. The part of brain on which pain killers affect:

77. Name the first artificial organic compound

78. The acid used to test the purity of gold:

79. Who discovered that light has maximum speed in vacuum?

80. The alkaloid present in tobacco:

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