

Kerala PSC - Important and Expected General Science Questions - 58

1. The study of materials and phenomena at low temperature:

2. In an adult the average weight of the brain is:

3. The most abundant metal compound in bones:

4. The process of conversion of a solid directly into vapour when heated is called:

5. The elements of groups 1, 2,13, 14, 15, 16 & 17 are collectively called:

6. Down syndrome, a genetic disease is also known as:

7. The scientist who is known as 'Second Darwin' or 'Darwin of the 20th century:

8. What is the main content of Biogas?

9. Who is known as father of Indian White Revolution?

10. Which element is known as 'Little silver'?

11. Soap is a mixture of sodium or potassium salts of:

12. Which diarrhieal disease is caused by a bacteria called shigella?

13. Kala Azar is a dreadful disease caused by:

14. Deep blue color is imparted to glass by the presence of:

15. The shape of acceleration versus mass graph for constant force is:

16. Unit of power and radiant flux is:

17. Dynamo was invented by:

18. Electro magnetic induction was discovered by:

19. The element used to kill germs in swimming pools:

20. Gas used as a fire extinguisher:

21. Abnormal rise intotal count of RBC:

22. Haemoglobin is also called as :

23. Isotope was discovered by:

24. The purest form of Carbon:

25. Monazite is an ore of:

26. The most malleable metal is:

27. Soild carbon dioxide is known as:

28. The instrument used for measuring the density or relative density of liquids:

29. The main chemical constituent of clay is:

30. Myopia is a disorder of eye in which images of eyes are focused:

31. Which element has the smae crystalline structure of Diamond?

32. What is the color of Neon vapour lamp?

33. What are the mixture of Benedict's solutions?

34. Law of octaves was put forward by:

35. Lung disease caused by corona virus is:

36. Second test tube baby in India:

37. Oil eating bacteria was first produced by:

38. Father of Psychoanalysis:

39. The rate of photosynthesis is maximum in:

40. The natural element having highest atomic weight and atomic number:

41. Colour blind people cannot distinguish

42.'Bar' is the unit of:

43. The organelle responsible for maintaining the structure of cell?

44.Who discovered the infrared rays in sunlight?

45. Oology is the study of:

46. When a red flower is observed through blue glass plate, it appears as:

47. At ultra high temperature matter exist in which form?

48. The study of Nose is known as:

49. The first Indian satellite:

50. The chemical name of chloroform:

51. Who discovered vaccination?

52. The study of grasses is known as:

53. The instrument used to measure the concentration of salt water:

54. Radio carbon dating technique is used to estimate the age of:

55. Part of the brain which is known as little brain:

56. Right chambers of the heart are filled with:

57. Part of the neuron which receives nerve impulses:

58. The metal which burst out through the vehicle exhaust pipe:

59. Who discovered Nitrogen?

60. Ability of a body to do work is called:

61. Instrument that regulates the resistance or current.

62. Cocos Nucifera is the botanical name of:

63. The response of a plant to heat is called:

64. Which element has the lowest melting point?

65. Cell wall of plant cells mainly composed of:

66. Resistivity is the opposite of:

67. Color of neutral wire in domestic circuits:

68. Matter that does not have viscosity:

69. Muscles that help heart to be in same rhythm:

70. Which blood group is known as universal recipient?

71. The chemical name of Teflon is:

72. Triode was invented by:

73. Pigment which goes yellow color to the leaves, fruits and flowers?

74. Time taken for one cardiac cycle is:

75. The substance which is used as coolant in ice plants:

76. Substance used as a coolant in refrigerators:

77. Molecules responsible for the smell of fruits:

78. The science of calculating the age of trees by counting the annual rings:

79. Which vitamin is essential for the absorption of calcium from the intestinal tract?

80. The general trajectory of a projectile is:

81. Electric power transmission was developed by:

82. The liquid metal at room temperature:

83. Element used in fire crackers to get sparkling red color flames:

84. Part of ear which has the shape of small snail shell:

85. Blood cell having longest lifespan is:

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