

Kerala PSC - IT and Cyber Law Question and Answers - 45

1. Paint brush belong to:
[a] Accessories group
[b] Application group
[c] Main group
[d] None of these

2. CPU gets the address of the next instruction to be processed from:
[a] Instruction register
[b] Memory address register
[c] Index register
[d] Program register

3. The internet allows you to:
[a] send electronic mail
[b] view web pages
[c] connect servers all around the world
[d] All of these

4. What are the speakers attached to your com- puter used for:
[a] Displaying images
[b] Sending messages
[c] Storing messages
[d] Handling sound and music

5. The smallest unit in the computer which represents information is:
[a] Byte
[b] Bit
[c] Character
[d] Digit

6. The concept of stored program was given by:
[a] Von Neumann
[b] Charles Babbage
[c] Blaise Pascal
[d] None of these

7. Who is known as ‘the father of personal computer’?
[a] Charles Babbage
[b] Henri Edward Roberts
[c] Alan Turing
[d] Edgar Rice Boroughs

8. The first computer virus:
[a] Kabir
[b] Firewall
[c] Norton
[d] Elk Cloner

9. A compiler translates a program written in a high-level language into:
[a] Java
[b] Algorithm
[c] Machine language
[d] A debugged program

10. The vast network of computers that connects millions of people all over the world is called:
[a] OUAN
[b] Hypertext
[c] Interpo l
[d] Internet

11. What type of devices are computer speakers and headphones?
[a] Input
[b] Input/output
[c] Software
[d] Output

12. Who discovered Unix operating system?
[a] Angelbart
[b] Paul Allen
[c] Dennis Ritchie
[d] John Newman

13. The _____ of system includes the programs and instructions.
[a] Icon
[b] Hardware
[c] Software
[d] Information

14. What is the full form of USB?
[a] Universal Security Block
[b] Ultra Serial Block
[c] United Service Block
[d] Universal Serial Bus

15. Which of the following is a Web Browser?
[a] Paint
[b] Fire fox
[c] Power Point
[d] Word

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