

Kerala PSC | Questions on Constitution and Polity - 09

1. Which one of the following is not an year in which a  joint session of Indian Parliament is held?
[a] 1961 
[b] 1978 
[c] 2002 
[d] 2007

2. Which one of the following is not a writ provided in the Constitution of India?
[b] Quo Warranto
[c] Habeus Corpus
[d] Injunction

3. The first to establish Lokayukta:
[a] Maharashtra
[b] Tamil Nadu
[c] Karnataka
[d] Haryana

4. The fourth schedule of the Indian Constitution is related to:
[a]Distribution of powers
[b] Allocation of seats in Council of States
[c] Languages
[d] Administration of tribal areas

5. The constitutional validity of the laws passed by the states and the parliament is decided by the  ————.
[b]Prime Minister
[c] Supreme Court 
[d] Speaker

6. Which of the following is not true of Rajya Sabha?
[a]The Vice-President is the Ex-officio Chairman of the house
[b] It is the upper house of the Parliament
[c] The nominated members of the Rajya Sabha also elect the President
[d] Money bills cannot be introduced in the Rajya Sabha

7. In 1891, through the enactment of the Age of Consent Act,the minimum marriageable age for  girls was raised to ______ years
[a] 12   
[b] 10 
[c] 14   
[d] 15

8. Which of the following Act was returned by the President of India for reconsideration?
[a] Postal Act 
[b] Dowry Prohibition Act
[c] Railway Act
[d] TADA

9. The idea of First Past the Post  in India is taken from:
[b] Canada
[c] Britain
[d]   South Africa

10. In terms of parliamentary terminology, what do we call a rule of legislative procedure under which a further debate on a motion can be stopped?
[a] Closure
[b] Guillotin
[c] Expunction
[d] Recess

11. The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs is headed by:
[a]Finance Minister                 
[b] Commerce Minister
[c] Prime Minister                     
[d]  Cabinet Secretary

12. The first Law Commission of independent India was established in ____.
[b] 1950 
[c] 1955   
[d] 1960

13. What is the maximum life of an ordinance promulgated by the President of India?
[a] 6 months
[b] 7.5 months
[c] 9 months
[d] 12 months

14. Who held the offices of the Judge of Supreme Court and the Speaker of Lok Sabha?
[a] K.S.Hegde
[b] N.S.Reddy
[c] M.Hidayattullah
[d] B.D.Jatti

15. Who was the chairman of the Union Powers committee of the Constituent Assembly?
[a] Sardar Patel
[b] K.M.Munshi
[c] B.R.Ambedkar
[d] Jawaharlal Nehru

16. The chairman of the first Law Commission:
[a] K.C.Neogy
[b] G.S.Nanda
[c] M. C. Setalvad
[d] H.J.Kania

17. Any political party in India can be recognized as national party,if it has state party status at least:
[a]three states
[b] Five states
[c] Seven states
[d] Four states

18. The minimum marriageable age for  girls was raised from 14 to 15 in 1948. It was further raised to 18 in:
[a] 1972 
[b] 1975   
[c] 1978   
[d] 1988

19. Who appoints ‘ad hoc’ judges of Supreme Court?
[b] Vice President
[c] President on the advice of council of ministers
[d] Chief Justice of Supreme Court with the permission of president

20. The only president of India who exercised pocket veto?
[a] V.V.Giri
[b] K.R.Narayanan
[c] Zail Singh
[d] Dr.Rajendraprasad

21. A session of the Lok Sabha is prorogued by the order of:
[a] Prime Minister             
[b] President
[c] Lok Sabha Speaker     
[d] Leader of House

22. Section 304 A of the Indian Penal Code is related to which of the following?
[b] Culpable homicide
[c] Death under negligence     
[d]   None of these

23. The famous painter who was entrusted with the task of beautifying the original manuscript of the Constitution:
[a] Amrita Shergil
[b] Nandalal Bose
[c] M.F.Hussain
[d] KCS Panicker

24. Which one of the following Act is not passed by the joint session of the Indian Parliament?
[a] Dowry Prohibition Act
[b] Banking Service Commission Repeal Bill
[c] Prevention of Terrorist Activities Act
[d] Anti Defection Act

25. The minimum marriageable age for  girls at the time of independence was:
[a] 10 
[b] 12 
[c] 14   
[d] 15

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