

Kerala PSC GK | Facts About India - 19

901. Who started the Ahmediya Sabha? - Mirza Ghulam Ahmed
902. Who started the daily "The Hindu' in 1878? - G Subramanya Iyer
903. Who started the journal'New India'? - Annie Besant
904. Who said 'Swarajra is my birth right'? - BG Tilak
905. Who started Bhoodan Movement? - Vinoba Bhave
906. Who said this "The individual must die so that India may live, today I must die so that India may win freedom and glory'? - Jatin Das
907. Who shot dead Michael O'Dyer to avenge for the Jallian Walla Bagh Massacre? - Uddam Singh
908. Who were hanged along with Bhagat Singh? - Raj Guru and Sukhdev
909. Who were the Ali Brothers in the - Shoukat Ali and Muhammad Ali
910. Who were the Bose brothers in the - Sarath Chandra Bose and Subash Chandra Bose
911. Who persuaded Governor General William Bentick to abolish Salt in 1829? - Ram Mohan Roy
912. who popularised the worship of Ganapathi in Maharashtra? - B G Tilak
913. Who prepared the draft of the Quit India revolution? - Jawaharlal Nehru
914.Who presided over the all party conference in 1928? - M A Ansari
915.Who presided over the second session of INC? - Dadabhai Navroji
916. Who published Al Hilal and Al Balagh? - Abul Kalam Azad
917. Who put forwarded the 'fourteen point formula'? - Muhammed Ali Jinnah
918. Who raised the slogan 'Inquilab Zindabad' for the first time? - Bhagat Singh
919. Who represented Hindu community in the Second Round Table Conference'? - Madan Mohan Malavya
920. Who said'Give me blood, I shall give you freedom’ - Netaji Bose
921. Who said'Go back to Gita'? - Vivekananda
22. Who said 'Go back to Vedas'? - Dayanand Saraswathy
923. Who said 'Political freedom is the life birth of a nation’ - Aurobindo Ghosh
924. Who wrote the national song of India? - Bankira Chandra Chatterjee
925. Who, along with Khuriram Bose, threw a bomb at a carriage believed to be carrying Kingsford, an unpopu­lar judge at Mussafarpur ? - Prahdla Chakri
926. Whom Sarojini Naidu once called the 'Ambassador of Hindu Muslim Unity'? - Jinnah
927. Who wrote the famous Tamil patriotic song "Odhrilayadu papa.." - Subramanya Bharati
928. Whom the British called 'the father of Indian unrest'? - BGTilak
929. Whose autobiography is 'A nation in Making'? - Surendranath Bannerjee
930.Who led the march in connection with salt Satyagraha in Tamil Nadu, from Thiruchirappally to Vedaranyam? - C.Rajagopalachri
931. Who mooted the idea of separate province for Muslims for the first time? - Muhammad Iqbal
932. Who organized a raid on Chittagong gov­ernment armouiy in 1930 April? - Surya Sen
933. Who organised Abhinava Bharat? - V.D.Savarkar
934.Who organised All India Kisan Sabha in 1936? - Swami Sahajanand
935. Who wrote'Anand Mat'? - Bankim Chandra Chatterjee
936. Who organised the raid in Chittagong Government armouiy? - Surya Sen
937. Who were hanged along with Bhagat Singh? - Raj Guru andSukhdev
938. Who were the Ali Brothers in the nation­al movement? - Shoukat Ali and Muhammad Ali
939. Who were the Bose brothers in the national movement? - Sarath Chandra Bose and Subash Chandra Bose
940. Who wrote 'Gift to Monotheists' or 'Tuhafat-ul-Muwahidin' ? - Ram Mohan Roy
941. Who wrote 'Gitarahasya'? - BGTilak
942. Who wrote'India Divided'? - Rajendraprasad
943. Who wrote'Poverty and UnBritish Rule in India'? - Dadabhai Navroji
944. Who wrote'Precepts of Jesus'? - Ram Mohun Roy
945. Who wrote 'Sare Jahan se Achcha'? - Muhammad Iqbal
946. Who wrote Satyarthaprakash? - Dayanada Saraswathi
947. Who wrote the book "What Congress and Gandhi have done to untouchables? - B R Ambedkar
948. Who was the first general secretary of INC? - AO Hume
949. Who was the fust home minister of India? - Sardar Patel
950. Who was the first president of AITUC? - Lajpath Rai

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