

100 Question and Answers related to Indian National Movement

1. Who conferred the title ‘Bharati’ to Subramanya Bharati: - Raja of Ettayapuram
2. Whom Gandhiji met on his way back to India after the Round Table Conference: - Mussolini
3. In which railway station of South Africa, Gandhiji was thrown out of a train: - Pietermaritzburg
4. Anasakthiyogam is the interpretation written by Gandhiji on - Bhagavat Gita
5. The Carnatic Nawab who moved his court from Gingee to Arcot: - Saadatullah Khan I
6. Who defeated the Gorkhas and ousted them from the Kangra Valley’ in 1809: - The Sikhs
7. The Viceroy during whose tenure the new Central Legislative Assembly Buiding was inaugurated: - Irwin
8. Who defended Bhagat Singh in the Lahore conspiracy case: - Asaf Ali
9. Who wrote ‘Indian Unrest’: - Valentine Chirol
10. The Viceroy who published “The Imperial Gazetteer of India”: - Lord Ripon
11. Who is regarded as the most popular Viceroy that England ever sent to India: - Lord Ripon
12. Who was arrested along with Lajpat Rai and deported to Mandalay in 1907: - Ajith Singh
13. ‘Prabudha Bharat’ was a paper published in English by: - Swami Vivekanand
14. The author of ‘Broken Wings’: - Sarojini Naidu
15. Who wrote ‘A Planned Economy for India’: - M. Visweswaraiah
16. Who started the National Herald : - Jawaharlal Nehru
17. ‘My one-man army’ who made this remark about Gandhiji:- Lord Mountbatten
18. What was the aim of Gandhiji’s last fast in 1948: - Ending violence
19. Who was the Viceroy when a joint commission of the British and the Russians was appointed to demarcate the Northern boundary of Afghanistan:- Lord Dufferin
20. The Viceroy of British India during the formation of Indian National Congress - Dufferin
21. Who was the Governor-General when Pitt’s India Act was passed:- Warren Hastings
22. What was the name of the ship in which Gandhiji sailed from Natal to Calcutta in 1896:- Pogola
23. The book was written by Gandhiji in 1909 during his sail for London:- Hind Swaraj
24. The Governor-General who ruled for the longest period:- Warren Hastings
25. In which session of Indian National Congress Gandhiji and Nehru met for the first time :- 1916 Lucknow
26. The author of ‘Indian Struggle’:- Subhas Chandra Bose
27. The first newspaper in India ‘Bengal Gazette’ was started by:- James Hickey
28. The year of Bardoli Satyagraha led by Vallabh Bhai Patel:- 1928
29. Where did Gandhiji address his first speech in South Africa:- Pretoria
30. Where did Gandhiji go first on his return from South Africa:- Santiniketan
31. The author of Hind Swaraj:- Mahatma Gandhi
32. The autobiography of Mahatma Gandhi:- My Experiments with Truth
33. Who organised a raid on Chittagong government armoury in 1930 April:- Surya Sen
34. The year in which Rehmat Ali coined the word ‘Pakistan’:- 1933
35. Who started the journal ‘Bengalee’ :- Surendra Nath Bannerjee
36. The publication “Comrade’ was launched by:- Muhammad Ali
37. During which war Gandhi organised Indian Ambulance Corps to help the British: - Boer War
38. In which year East India Company was brought under British parliamentary control:- 1773
39. To protest against which Act Gandhiji conducted his first Satyagraha in South Africa:- Asiatic Law Amendment Ordinance Bill
40. Who started the journal ‘Bombay Chronicle’ :- Feroz Shah Mehta
41. Who launched the journal ‘Mookanayak’ :- B.R.Ambedkar
42. Who was the chairman of the Royal Commission which was appointed in 1895 to examine the military and civil expenditures incurred and the apportionment of those charges between the Government of Great Britain and Government of India:- Lord Welby
43. Against what laws did Gandhiji along with other non-whites raise his voice in South Africa:- Apartheid laws
44. Who served as a member of Central Legislative Assembly for 26 years and was called ‘the father of the Assembly’:- Narayan Malhar Joshi
45. “A feudal outburst headed by feudal chiefs and their followers aided by wide-spread anti-foreign sentiments” who made this observation against the Revolt of 1857 :- Jawaharlal Nehru
46. Who was the Viceroy when Hunter Commission was appointed to enquire into Jallianwalla Bagh Massacre:- Chelmsford
47. The Viceroy at the time of Chittagong Armoury Raid:- Irwin
48. Which tribal leader was regarded as an incarnation of God and Father of the World:- Birsa Munda
49. The Governor-General who was impeached by the British Parliament:- Warren Hastings
50. All India Village Industries Association formed at Wardha in:- 1934
51. After the pact between Mahatma Gandhi and Lord Irwin in March 1931 many leaders became critical of Mahathma Gandhi’s leadership. What was the main reason: - Civil disobedience movement was called off
52. Who is quoted as having said: “It is far better to live like a Tiger for a day than to live like a jackal for a hundred years”:- Tipu Sultan
53. When was Mahatma Gandhi arrested during the “Quit India Movement” of 1942:- 9th August 1942
54. Where did Gandhiji deliver his first public speech after returning from South Africa:- At Benarus Hindu University
55. Where did Gandhiji launch his civil disobedience movement in South Africa:- Johannesburg
56. Where was the Satyagraha Ashram established on Gandhiji’s return to India:- Kochrab
57. “God is of no use to the hungry belly’ Whose words are these:- Ram Krishna Paramhansa
58. Name the Indian who passed away at Bristol in England in 1833:- Raja Ram Mohun Roy
59. The original name of Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa:- Gadhadhar Chatterjee
60. Who was the Viceroy when Gandhiji conducted first satyagraha in India:- Chelmsford
61. Who was the Viceroy when AITUC was formed:- Chelmsford
62. Who is regarded as the father of renaissance in Andhra:- Veeresalingam
63. Who was the leader of Dharma Sabha which has the chief objective to counteract the propaganda of Brahma Samaj:- Radhakant Dev
64. Name the Governor-General who is called the “Maker of Modern India”:- Dalhousie
65. Who was the first to rule India with the designation of ‘Governor-General of India’, which was introduced in 1833 as complete authority all over India was granted:- William Bentick
66. Who was elected as the president in the All India Kisan Sabha held in Lucknow in 1936:- Swami Sahajanand Saraswati
67. Who was the Viceroy when SP Sinha became the first Indian Governor:- Chelmsford
68. The Viceroy when Indian Air Force was formed:- Wellington
69. The Viceroy when Aligarh Muslim University (1920) was established:- Chelmsford
70. Who was the founder of the Scindia dynasty:- Ranoji Scindia
71. In which century the Carnatic Wars were fought:- 18th
72. In which Princely state Ranbeer Code was brought into effect in the lines of Indian Penal Code implemented in British India :- Kashmir
73. In which occasion the transfer of the capital of British India to Delhi from Calcutta was announced, King George V:- Delhi Durbar of 1911
74. Who was selected as the second Satyagrahi when Gandhiji launched individual Satyagraha in 1940:- Jawaharlal Nehru
75. Whom Gandhiji called Rajarshi:- Purushotham Das Tandon
76. Which jail was described by Gandhiji as his ‘Home away from home”:- Yervada
77. Which tool did Gandhiji promote to achieve economically, and ultimately complete independence from the British Empire:- Spinning Wheel
78. Which session of the Indian National Congress decided to reorganise Provincial Congress Committees on the basis of linguistic areas: 1920 Nagpur
79. Who was elected the first president of the Indian Liberal Federation (1918):- Surendra Nath Bannerjee
80. Why Gandhiji called for the boycott of the Simon Commission:- None of the members was Indians
81. In which year Gandhiji went to South Africa for the first time:- 1893
82. In which year Gandhiji decided to return to India from South Africa:- 1914
83. Where Mahatma Gandhi was imprisoned when he was arrested during the Quit India Movement:- Aga Khan Palace, Pune
84. Who led the Salt Satyagraha when Mahathma Gandhi was arrested:- Abbas Tyabji
85. How did Mahathma Gandhi help during the Zulu Rebellion in South Africa: By nursing the wounded rebels
86. Who was appointed as the first Nawab of Carnatic by Aurangazeb in 1692:- Zulfikar Ali Khan I
87. Who was the last Carnatic Nawab:- Ghulam Muhammad Ghouse Khan
88. In which year the British annexed the Carnatic Nawabdom applying Doctrine of Lapse as the thirteenth Nawab died without heir: - 1855
89. Who was appointed as the first Secretary of State in British India:- Lord Stanley
90. In which year Indian National Congress approved the Basic Education System propounded by Gandhiji:- 1938
91. In which year was the Champaran Satyagraha:- 1917
92. The candidate whom Gandhiji supported when the election was conducted to the post of president of Indian National Congress in 1939:- Pattabhi Seetharamaiah
93. From which monument the design of the central dome of Viceregal Palace (now Rashtrapathi Bhavan) was copied: - Sanchi Stupa
94. Identify the Viceroy who wrote home these words after his first meeting with Mahatma Gandhi: “Mr Gandhi’s religious and moral views are, I believe, admirable, but I confess that I find it difficult to understand the practice of them in politics.”:- Lord Reading
95. Which European power supported Chanda Sahib, the Nawab of Arcot:- The French
96. The date in which Gandhiji started the Dandi March:- 1930 March 12
97. The first person to have appeared in the stamp of independent India:- Mahatma Gandhi
98. The institution in England where Gandhiji studied law:- Inner Temple
99. Whom Gandhiji called ‘the great sentinel’:- Rabindranath Tagore
100. The Viceroy who unified the armies of the three Presidencies of Bengal, Bombay and Madras under a single leadership in 1895:- Lord Elgin II

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