

Kerala PSC | Questions on Constitution and Polity - 23

Kerala PSC | Questions on Constitution and Polity - 23

1. The Article that deals about Equality before law:

2. The Articles of the Constitution of India dealing with Right to Equality:

3. The number of Fundamental Rights at present:

4. The number of Fundamental Rights when the Constitution was brought into force?

5. The number of members from Rajya Sabha to the Public Accounts Committee:

6. The only state in India where uniform civil code has been implemented:

7. The president has the power to suspend the enforcement of any or all the Fundamental Rights during emergency as per Article:

8. The President of India to exercise pocket veto:

9. The state shall organise village panchayats as units of self government. This is enshrined in Article:

10. The state shall promote with special care the educational and economic interests of weaker sections of people. To which Article this is related?

11. Which amendment of the Constitution removed ‘the right to property’ from the list of Fundamental Rights?

12. In which year the first Constitution Bill was passed?

13. Which Article of the Constitution is related to ‘Abolition of titles’?

14. Which Article of the Constitution is related to ‘Protection against arrest and detention in certain cases’?

15. Which Article of the Constitution is related to ‘Protection in respect of convict of offenders’?

16. Constitutional safeguards aganist arbitrary dismissal of a member of civil service are embodied in Article —— of the Constitution of India:

17. The normal tenure of Panchayats is:

18. The number of Articles related to Fundamental Rights when the original constitution was brought into force:

19. The number of Articles under the Directive Principles when the Constitution was brought into force:

20. The number of Articles when the original constitution was brought into force:

21. The number of members from Lok Sabha to the Public Accounts Committee:

22. The number of members in the estimate committee of Parliament:

23. Which Article of the Constitution is related to ‘Protection of life and personal liberty’?

24. Which Article of the Constitution is related to the protection of certain rights regarding freedom of speech?

25. Which Article states that “State shall try to promote cottage industries”?

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