

Kerala PSC | Questions on Constitution and Polity - 24

Kerala PSC | Questions on Constitution and Polity - 24

1. Which Article under Directive Principles of State Policy is related to prohibition of intoxicating drinks and drugs?

2. Which Article was inserted by the 86th amendment of the Constitution to the list of Fundamental Rights?

3. Which Articles is related to uniform civil code?

4. Which enshrines the principles of a welfare state in India?

5. Which part of the Constitution reflects some Gandhian ideals?

6. Which part of the Constitution was criticized as ‘New year resolutions which were broken on the second January” by M Nasiruddin, one of the members of Constituent Assembly?

7. Who made the comment that Directive Principles of State Policy expresses Fabian Socialism without the word ‘Socialism’?

8. Who was the prime minister of India when Right to property was deleted from the list of Fundamental Rights?

9. “Federal Court of India’ was set up for the first time under:

10. ____ refers to independence of the country in all its external and internal matters:

11. “India, that is Bharat, shall be a union of States” occurs in which Article of Indian Constitution?

12. Advocate General is appointed by:

13. Anglo Indian representative in the Constituent Assembly:

14. Annual Financial statement is the other name of:

15. As a non-member who can participate to the proceedings of either House of Parliament?

16. Censure motion in Parliament should be supported by atleast ____ members.

17. Collegium for the appointment of Supreme Court Judges comprises the Chief Justice and ____ senior-most judges.

18. The number of members in the Privilege Committee of Parliament:

19. The number of members in the Public Accounts Committee of Parliament:

20. Fourteen Indian banks were nationalized in:

21. How many times a person can become the President of India?

22. If a notice for special session of Lok Sabha was given in writing signed by not less than one-tenth of the members, the president must summon the session within ____ days.

23. In the 1937 elections to the Central Legislative Assembly, in how many provinces, the Indian National Congress got majority?

24. Which Schedule of the Constitution was added by the first amendment of the Constitution?

25. Which session of the Indian National Congress adopted a resolution on Fundamental Rights and Economic and Social Change?

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