

50 Important Questions on Indus Valley Civilization

50 Important Questions on Indus Valley Civilization

50 Important Questions on Indus Valley Civilization

The Social System of Harappan was:
[a] Fairly egalitarian
[b] Slave-Labour based
[c] Colour based
[d] Caste based
Which statement on Harappan Civilisation is correct?
[a] Horse sacrifice was known to them
[b] Cow was sacred to them
[c] Pashupati was venerated by them
[d] The culture was generally static
Out of the following remains excavated in Indus Valley Civilisation, which one indicates the commercial and economic development?
[a] The Pottery
[b] Seal
[c] The boats
[d] The houses
The earlier city was discovered in India was:
[a] Harappa
[b] Punjab
[c] Mohenjodaro
[d] Sindh
Which among the following has not been found in excavation of Harappan sites?
[a] Drains & well
[b] Fort
[c] Reservoirs
[d] Temple and Shikhar
The Organic relationship between the ancient culture of Indus Valley and Hinduism of today is proved by the worship of:
[a] Pashupati, Indra & Mother Goddess
[b] Stones, Trees & animals
[c] Vishnu & Shakti
[d] Shiva and Shakti
The Harappan Civilisation was discovered in the year
[a] 1922
[b] 1921
[c] 1920
[d] 1932
Which was the only Indus site with an artificial brick dockyard?
[a] Lothal
[b] Kalibangan
[c] Harappa
[d] Mohenjodaro
Which of the following domesticated animal was absent in the terracottas of Indus Civilisation?
[a] Buffalo
[b] Sheep
[c] Cow
[d] Pig
Which was the only Indus city without a Citadel?
[a] Kalibagan
[b] Harappa
[c] Mohenjodaro
[d] Chanhudaro
The Essential feature of the Indus Valley Civilisation was:
[a] Worship of forces of nature
[b] Organised city life
[c] Pastoral farming
[d] Caste Society
The people of Indus Valley civilsation usually built their houses of:
[a] Backed Bricks
[b] Stone
[c] Wood
[d] All of the above
The first metal used by man was
[a] Aluminium
[b] Copper
[c] Iron
[d] Silver
At which place a sculpture of Chariot of Harappan time was found?
[a] Lothal
[b] Banwali
[c] Daimabad
[d] Kalibangan
In Mohanjodaro the largest building is:
[a] The Great Bath
[b] A Granary
[c] The Pillar Hall
[d] A Two Storeyed House
In Indus Valley, Kalibagan is famous for which of the following:
[a] Rock Cut Architecture
[b] Sea Port
[c] Cotton Cultivation
[d] Pottery
The Indus People knew the use of weight & measure, which is proved by the discovery of the seal at:
[a] Kalibangna
[b] Harappa
[c] Chanhundaro
[d] Lothal
In Indus Valley, Dholavira is famous for which of the following:
[a] Rock Cut Architecture
[b] Sea Port
[c] Cotton Cultivation
[d] Pottery
The Harappan were the earliest people to produce
[a] Seals
[b] Bronze Implements
[c] Cotton
[d] Barley
Which of the following material was mainly used in the manufacturing of the Harappan seals?
[a] Terracotta
[b] Bronze
[c] Copper
[d] Iron
The ruins of Mohanjodaro & Harappa show that theses were magnificent & well planned
[a] Agrarian Cities
[b] Religious Cities
[c] Merchant Cities
[d] Shore Citites
The script of the Indus Valley Civilisation is:
[a] Kharosthi
[b] Undeciphered
[c] Brahmi
[d] Tamil
Which of the following countries has asked to return the famous 'Dancing Girl' statue from Mohanjodaro?
[a] Bangladesh
[b] Bhutan
[c] China
[d] Pakistan
Which was the backbone of Indus Economy?
[a] Agriculture
[b] Trade
[c] Wheel Made Pottery
[d] Carpentry
The Harappan site Manda was situated on the bank of which river?
[a] Chenab
[b] Sutlej
[c] Ravi
[d] Indus
The Barley grain have been discovered from which site of Indus Civilisation?
[a] Kalibangan
[b] Dholavira
[c] Lothal
[d] Banawali
From which one of the following factory sites were limestone & chert blades mass produced and sent to various Harappan settlement in Sindh?
[a] Sukkur & Rohri Hills
[b] Khetri in Rajasthan
[c] Chaigai Hills
[d] Hills of Baluchistan
Which of the following ornaments were worn exclusively by women but not men under Indus Valley Civilisation?
[a] Necklace
[b] Finger Ring
[c] Ear Ring
[d] Armlet
In Harappa Urban Civilisation are developed more & it was found in which place?
[a] Sind & Punjab
[b] Kalibangan
[c] Dholavira
[d] Chanhudaro
In Inida which is the biggest Harappa Site?
[a] Mohanjodaro
[b] Kalibangan
[c] Dholavira
[d] Rakhigarhi
A Sea Depicting Mother Goddess with a plant growing from her womb has found from:
[a] Harappa
[b] Kalibangan
[c] Chanhu-daro
[d] Mohanjo-daro
Which of the following statement are correct:
1. The main crops of Indus Valley civilisation was Wheat and Barley.
2. The Largest number of settlement are in Ghaggar-Hakar Valley.

[a] 1&2 both
[b] Only 1
[c] Only 2
[d] None of the above
The script of Indus Valley Civilisation was:
[a] Pali
[b] Brahmi
[c] Sanskrit
[d] Boustrophedon
The statue of Bearded Man has been found at:
[a] Harappa
[b] Kalibangan
[c] Mohanjodaro
[d] Dholavira
Copper was procured from which place during Indus Valley Civilisation?
[a] Karnataka
[b] Iran
[c] Afghanistan
[d] Rajasthan
Which of the following is incorrect match regarding Harappan Culture:
[a] North-East : Meerut
[b] North : Jammu
[c] West : Makran Coast of Baluchistan
[d] South : Godavari Estuary
Which of the following technique used for making bronze statues during Harappa Civilisation?
[a] Lost Wax Casting
[b] Stone carving
[c] Wood carving
[c] Ivory carving
Which of the following statement is correct about terracotta?
[a] It is clay like earthenware
[b] It is a type of earthenware, is a clay-based unglazed or glazed ceramic, where the fired body is porous.
[c] The terracotta representations of human form are crude in the Indus Valley.
[d] All of the above
The stone sculpture of male torso was found in which of the following archaeological site?
[a] Mohenjo-Daro
[b] Lothal
[c] Harappa
[d] Dholavira
Consider the following statement (s):
I. Harappans built the earliest cities complete with town planning, sanitation, drainage system and broad well-laid roads.
II. Harappans built double storied houses of burnt bricks each one of which had a bathroom, a kitchen and a well.
Which of the above statement (s) is/are correct about Harappa Civilisation?

[a] Only I
[b] Only II
[c] Both I and II
[d] Neither I nor II
Which of the following artefact of the Harappa Civilisation was mainly used for commercial purposes?
[a] Bronze/metal sculpture
[b] Stone sculpture
[c] Seal
[d] Terracotta sculpture
Consider the following statement (s):
I. It consists chiefly of very fine wheelmade wares, very few being hand-made.
II. Polychrome pottery is rare and mainly comprises small vases decorated with geometric patterns.
Which of the above statement (s) is/are related to the Indus Valley pottery?

[a] Only I
[b] Only II
[c] Both I and II
[d] Neither I nor II
Consider the following statement (s):
I. It was found in Mohenjo-Daro and shows a human figure placed cross legged.
II. An elephant and a tiger are revealed at the right side of the figure and a rhinoceros and a buffalo are seen on the left.
Which of the above statement (s) is/are correct about the Seals of Pashupati Mahadeva?

[a] Only I
[b] Only II
[c] Both I and II
[d] Neither I nor II
Which of the following raw material was not used by the Indus Valley Civilisation?
[a] limestone
[b] Red stone
[c] Bronze
[d] Clay
During the archaeological excavation of the Harappa Civilisation, what types of civic planning representation were seen?
[a] Houses, markets, storage facilities, offices and almost every basic thing are organized in a grid-like pattern.
[b] Roads were cut crossways each other’s at 90-degree and the city was organized into blocks design.
[c] Only A
[d] Both A and B
There are similarities between the seals found at Mohenjo-daro and
[a] Egypt
[b] China
[c] Sumeria
[d] Afghanistan
What was the time period fo Indus Civilization/Harappan Civilization?
[a] 2400 BC - 1700 BC
[b] 2500 BC - 1700 BC
[c] 2400 BC - 1750 BC
[d] 2500 BC - 1750 BC
The Harappas had commercial relations with
[a] China
[b] Jawa
[c] Mesopotamia
[d] Burma (Now Myanmar)
The Indus Valley Civilisation type was found in:
[a] Sumer
[b] Egypt
[c] China
[d] All the three
The Indus Valley Civilization has been assigned the period 2500-1800 BC on the basis of:
[a] Mystical insight by modern seers
[b] Marking on seals
[c] Radio Carbon dating
[d] Travellers written accounts

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