

Kerala PSC GK | Degree Level Preliminary Exam | Mock Test Series - 01

Degree Level Preliminary Exam | Mock Test Series - 01
à´ª്à´°ിà´¯ à´¸ുà´¹ൃà´¤്à´¤ുà´•്à´•à´³െ,

à´¸െà´•്à´°à´Ÿ്à´Ÿേà´±ിയറ്à´±് à´…à´¸ിà´¸്à´±്റൻറ്, സബ് ഇൻസ്‌à´ªെà´•്ടർ, à´¯ൂà´£ിà´µേà´´്à´¸ിà´±്à´±ി/ à´•à´®്പനി-à´¬ോർഡ്à´¸് à´…à´¸ിà´¸്à´±്റൻറ്, à´Žà´•്‌à´¸ൈà´¸് ഇൻസ്‌à´ªെà´•്ടർ ഉൾപ്à´ªെà´Ÿെà´¯ുà´³്à´³ à´¬ിà´°ുദതല പരീà´•്ഷകൾക്à´•ാà´¯ി തയ്à´¯ാà´±ാà´•്à´•ിയത്.

à´ªുà´¤ിà´¯ à´¸ിലബസ് à´ª്à´°à´•ാà´°ം, SCERT à´ªാà´ à´ªുà´¸്തകങ്ങളിà´²െ à´µിവരങ്ങൾ ഉൾപ്à´ªെà´Ÿുà´¤്à´¤ി, തയ്à´¯ാà´±ാà´•്à´•à´ª്à´ªെà´Ÿ്à´Ÿ à´®ിà´•à´š്à´š പരിà´¶ീലന സഹാà´¯ി.

Degree Level Preliminary Exam | Mock Test Series - 01

What was the ordinal status of the Congress session in which Sir C.Sankaran Nair assumed the presidency?
[a] 11th
[b] 12th
[c] 13th
[d] 14th
Which is the longest west flowing peninsular rivers of India?
[a] Godavari
[b] Narmada
[c] Indus
[d] Tapti
Who is the oldest person to become the President of India?
[a] K.R.Narayanan
[b] Neelam Sanjiva Reddy
[c] R.Venkataraman
[d] Ram Nath Kovind
Who is the architect of Puthucherry?
[a] Le Corbuscier
[b] Job Charnok
[c] Nek Chand
[d] Francois Martin
When did Mahatma Gandhi conduct his first satyagraha?
[a] 1917
[b] 1928
[c] 1906
[d] 1915
Who was the first Prime Minister to lose a vote of confidence?
[a] Morarji Desai
[b] Indira Gandhi
[c] V.P.Singh
[d] Charan Singh
When was the Atomic Energy Commission of India set up?
[a] 1956
[b] 1957
[c] 1950
[d] 1948
Which of the following is the vernacular language of most of the people of India?
[a] English
[b] Hindi
[c] Bengali
[d] Telugu
Which one of the following is not anick name given to Kolkata?
[a] The city of dreams
[b] Cultural capital of India
[c] The city of palaces
[d] City of Joy
Which of the following is the first Indian state to enact the Right to Service Act?
[a] Haryana
[b] Madhya Pradesh
[c] Bihar
[d] Kerala
What is the area of Kerala?
[a] 7516.6 sq.m.
[b] 38863 sq.m
[c] 8841 sq.m.
[d] 15005 sq.m
Which among the following rivers is the longest?
[a] Periyar
[b] Pampa
[c] Bharathapuzha
[d] Chaliyar
Which among the following women of Kerala participated in the Civil Disobedience Movement, carrying two month old baby in her arms and led the procession of women?
[a] Lalitha Prabhu
[b] Arya Pallam
[c] K.Devayani
[d] A.V.Kuttimalu Amma
Which is the district in Kerala to have completed the People's Biodiversity Register in all local bodies?
[a] Malappuram
[b] Thrissur
[c] Wayanad
[d] Thiruvananthapuram
Whose slogan was 'attain progress through education and organisation?
[a] Pandit Karuppan
[b] Ayyankali
[c] Sree Narayana Guru
[d] Ayya Vaikundar
How many persons have become the Chief Ministers of Kerala till now?
[a] 11
[b] 12
[c] 21
[d] 22
Which one of the following is mismatched?
[a] The Switzerland of Kerala - Munnar
[b] The roof of Kerala - Iravikulam
[c] The Silent Valley of Kannur - Aralam
[d] The Mysore of Kerala - Marayur
Which of the following statements regarding Goda Varma Raja is wrong?
[a] Goda Varma Raja is called the father of sports in Kerala
[b] Goda Varma Raja is called the father of Tourism in Kerala
[c] G.V.Raja's birth anniversary is observed as Sports day in India
[d] He was the founder President of the Kerala State Sports Council
What was the name of the march led by A.K.Gopalan from Kannur to Chennai in 1936?
[a] Malabar Procession
[b] Begging March
[c] Rajadhani March
[d] Savarna Procession
Which one is the smallest district by areawise in Kerala?
[a] Alappuzha
[b] Ernakulam
[c] Kozhikode
[d] Kottayam
By what way was the noted Pakistani singer awarded the Indian citizenship in 2016?
[a] by descent
[b] by registration
[c] by naturalisation
[d] by birth
Which one of the following statements regarding Lokayukta is wrong?
[a] An ex-Chief Justice of the Supreme Court should be appointed in the post of Lokayukta
[b] The Governor of the State has the power to appoint the Lokayukta
[c] The State Legislative Assembly has the power to remove Lokayukta and Upa Lokayuktas
[d] The Lokayukta and Upa Lokayuktas are appointed for a period of 5 years
What is the time limit specified in the 'RTIAct-2005' for the Public Information Officer to decide on complaints?
[a] two months
[b] one month
[c] 48 hours
[d] No time limit
Who appoints ad hoc judges of the Supreme Court?
[a] President in consultation with the Chief Justice of India
[b] President in consultation with a Collegium of judges in supreme court
[c] Chief Justice of the Supreme Court with the permission of President
[d] President with advice of Council of Ministers
The form of government in India is ____
[a] Presidential
[b] Parliamentary
[c] Semi presidential
[d] Constitutional

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