

Kerala PSC | English Grammar Mock Test | 03

Kerala PSC | English Grammar Mock Test | 03; A Mock Test containing 25 question and answers on English Grammar, In which you have to find out answer of the question by reading the whole statement which may have more than one statement correct, it will be tricky some times. So practice more to answer these type of question correctly. Kerala PSC Practice Exam online for English Grammar.
Kerala PSC | English Grammar Mock Test | 03

Previous Grammar Mock Tests

  1. English Grammar Mock Test | 02
  2. English Grammar Mock Test | 01

Please use my knife to cut it___.
[a] to
[b] at
[c] with
[d] of
[a] hungry
[b] hasty
[c] thirsty
[d] greedy
You should please him first. Change the voice.
[a] You should be pleased first
[b] He should be pleased first
[c] He shall be pleased first
[d] Let him be pleased first
For eight evenings in succession Rahul ___ his dream girl. On the eighth day it became clear to him that she too ___ in love.
[a] had met, had fallen
[b] met, fell
[c] met, had fallen
[d] had met, fell
Sport the part of the sentence which has an error
[a] The US
[b] don't want
[c] India in the Security Council
[d] No error
The teacher said, "Sujitha, show me your notebook." Change into reported speech
[a] The teacher told Sujitha to show him her notebook./div>
[b] The teacher told Sujitha that she should show him her not book.
[c] The teacher told Sujitha whether she would show him her not book.
[d] The teacher told Sujitha to show me her notebook.
If I had known that you were ill, I would have visited you. The underlined part is a ___
[a] adjective clause
[b] adverbial clause of reason
[c] noun clause
[d] adverbial clause of condition
"To strike the iron while it is hot" means:
[a] Damage the iron while it is hot
[b] Not to something at the proper time
[c] Do something at the proper time
[d] Wait because the iron is hot
Which of the following words spelled correctly?
[a] Connisseur
[b] Connosseur
[c] Connoiseur
[d] Connoisseur
GRISLY means:
[a] Clear
[b] Causing horror or disgust
[c] Vague
[d] Perplexing
I ____ my old friend in the mall yesterday. Use suitable Phrasal verb
[a] came by
[b] came across
[c] came about
[d] came over
I have to ____ the report by Saturday. Use suitable Phrasal verb
[a] keep from
[b] hand in
[c] pass out
[d] put out
When we ___ oxygen through this liquid, a blue precipitate is obtained.
[a] pass
[b] have passed
[c] passed
[d] was passing
Choose the word opposite in meaning to the 'GLOOMY'.
[a] Radiant
[b] Fragrant
[c] Melodious
[d] Illisory
The study of old age
[a] Ethnology
[b] Gerontology
[c] Geriatrics
[d] Physiology
Find out which part has an error.
[a] Mediclaim policies usually reimburse/
[b] certain medical expenses and/
[c] not the out-of-pocket expenses.
[d] No error
Sachin Tendulkar is one of the most powerful batters in the world. Change into Comparative degree
[a] Sachin Tendulkar is more powerful than most other batters in the world
[b] Sachin Tendulkar is more powerful than all other batters in the world
[c] Sachin Tendulkar is more powerful than any other batter in the world
[d] Sachin Tendulkar is more powerful than other batters in the world
Which word is equal in meaning to PESTER?
[a] Follow
[b] Interrupt
[c] Interfere
[d] Disturb
We should ____ undemocratic fascist movements. Use suitable Phrasal verb
[a] do away with
[b] do up
[c] do for
[d] set out to do
You had better ____ my questions.
[a] answered
[b] answer
[c] answering
[d] to answer
I often ___ with a pen. But now I ____ a pencil. Use correct form of the verb.
[a] wrote, use
[b] write, used
[c] wrote am using
[d] write am using
He was not a man ____ intelligence. Choose the most suitable word
[a] empty of
[b] lacking of
[c] absent of
[d] devoid of
Many people boast ____ their aristocratic upbringing.
[a] on
[b] of
[c] at
[d] in
Find out the demonstrative pronoun in the sentence: This is the man who gifted his swelling to those poor folk.
[a] his
[b] those
[c] poor
[d] this
Choose the exact meaning of TRANSIENT:
[a] easily seen
[b] temporary
[c] long lasting
[d] transparent

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