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Temporary Jobs in Various Government Posts without Exam | Various Vacancies

Eligible candidates for each of the below given jobs can contact their respective office to get temporary job in various posts without PSC exam under Kerala Govt.

Temporary Jobs in Various Government Posts with Exam | Various Vacancies

Appointment at Kudumbashree

Kudumbashree Zilla Mission is recruiting for the posts of Cluster Level IFC Anchor and Senior CRP as part of starting five Integrated Farming Clusters (IFC) in the district. Kudumbashree / Auxiliary / Kudumbashree women not exceeding 40 years of age can apply. Appointments will be made to Velamunda, Muttil, Nulpuzha, Vikhamthara and Panamaram clusters. IFSC Anchor post should have Degree/Diploma in Agriculture/Allied Sciences with one year experience. Sr. CRP requires two years experience as Krishi Sakhi / Pashusakhi / Agri CRP. Applicants must be residents of their respective block. Interested candidates should submit the application prepared on white paper, eligibility certificate, Kudumbashree membership and copies of identity proof documents to the Kudumbashree District Mission Office by July 20. Phone- 04936-299370, 9562418441

Multi Purpose Worker Vacancy

Papinissery Govt. Ayurveda Dispensary is hiring for the post of Multipurpose Worker. Qualification is GNM/ BSc Nursing. Interested candidates should appear for the interview at Papinissery Govt. Ayurveda Dispensary on July 1st at 11 am along with original and copy of certificates. Phone: 0497 2787644.

Vacancy in the post of Manager

Applications are invited for the permanent vacancy reserved for open category in the post of Manager (Personnel and Administration) in the State Semi-Government Institution in Ernakulam District. First class B Tech, BE Mechanical, Electrical Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering degree, MBA qualifications and eight years of work experience. age limit; 18-45. Candidates should register with the concerned Professional and Executive Employment Exchange by July 10.

Computer Programmer Vacancy

Chemeni College of Applied Science has a vacancy for the post of Computer Programmer. Qualification is BSc Computer Science/ BCA/ PGDCA. Interested candidates should appear at the college office at Chimeni Pallipara on 3rd July at 10.30 am along with self attested copies of eligibility certificates. Phone: 8547005052, 9447596129.

Hiring programmers

Programmer is appointed on temporary contract basis for one year related to development of e-governance software applications in Finance Department. Selection will be based on technical test and interview. Candidates should apply to Principal Secretary, Finance (ITI Software) Section, Vandanam, Uppalam Road, Thiruvananthapuram along with detailed resume, qualification and work experience proof documents. Applications must be received by July 20. Qualification is BE/ B.Tech, MCA or Computer Science/ Computer Application/ IT/ Electronics and Communication MSc. A minimum of three years of software development experience is required. Salary Rs 40000 – 50000 per month.

Multi Purpose Worker Vacancy

Chempilode Govt. Ayurveda Dispensary is doing contract recruitment for the post of Multipurpose Worker. Eligibility is GNM/ BSc Nursing, Kerala Nursing and Midwife Council registration. Age below 40 years. Interested candidates should attend the interview at Chempilod Govt Ayurveda Dispensary on 8th July at 11 am. Phone: 0497 2822042, 8921991053.

Appointment of Counselor in Mission Vatsalya

As part of the Mission Vatsalya project led by the Women and Child Development Department, a counselor is being appointed to the District Child Protection Unit. The appointment is on daily wage basis. Qualification is Graduation in Social Work/ Sociology/ Psychology/ Public Health/ Counseling or PG Diploma in Counseling and Communication. Must have at least one year of experience in counseling field. Work experience in the field of women and children will be preferred. Not exceeding 40 years of age as on 1st July 2024. Candidates should appear for the interview at 10.30 am on July 6th at 10.30 am at the office of the District Child Welfare Officer at Mancheri Kacheripadi Mini Civil Station along with original and self-attested copies of certificates proving age, qualification and work experience.

Interview for various posts in Taluk Headquarters Hospital

Varkala Taluk Headquarters Hospital is recruiting for various posts on daily wage basis. Pharmacist, Lab Technician, X-ray Technician, Driver and Electrician posts are vacant.

Date of Interview:
Pharmacist – July 10
Lab Technician- July 11
X-ray Technician - July 12
Driver- July 17
Electrician- July 17

Interested candidates have to attend walk in interview with relevant original documents. For more details 0470 2080088, 8590232509,9846021483. Reporting time is 10 am.

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